In St. Petersburg, couriers will be required to submit traffic regulations

Each employee will have his own number.

In St. Petersburg, couriers without passing an exam on knowledge of traffic rules (traffic rules) will be prohibited from working in the corresponding position. This was announced by the Deputy Chairman of the City Committee on Transport of the Government of the Northern Capital, Dmitry Vanchkov, during a meeting with delivery companies.

According to an official from Smolny, in 2024 the demand for couriers in the city increased by 870%.

“It is obvious that regulation of this area is necessary, and while there is no general federal law, we must develop and adopt rules at the level of our region,” Vanchkov said.

According to the press service of the St. Petersburg Transport Committee, cooperation agreements will be concluded between the department and delivery service operators. In 2021, such cooperation has already begun between Comtrans and kick-sharing companies.

As part of the new agreement, standards may be established for corporate training of couriers and passing traffic regulations. In addition, each delivery service employee will receive an individual number, with the help of which it will become easier and more convenient to evaluate the employee’s actions.

Comtrans also proposed creating a unified city chatbot for citizens’ requests regarding the work of couriers, as well as equipping couriers’ means of individual communication with a registration number.

Previously, RosBalt tried to understand the specifics of the courier profession using the example of workers from the Northern capital.

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