In St. Petersburg they are preparing to begin periodic heating



Batteries will become warmer due to the predicted decrease in night temperatures.

The authorities of the Northern capital announced that the city will switch to periodic heating starting next week.

As the press service of the St. Petersburg administration reported, a corresponding order from the Committee on Energy and Engineering Support was signed. Periodic heating will begin at 09:00 on Monday, September 30th.

Heat supply companies in St. Petersburg have been instructed to begin supplying heat primarily to schools, kindergartens, hospitals, clinics and other social facilities.

Smolny explained that St. Petersburg is switching to periodic heating due to the predicted decrease in night temperatures. This implies the gradual inclusion of heat supply sources to ensure heating circulation and create the possibility of connecting residential buildings to a centralized heating system.

Traditionally, the heating season starts in the city when the average daily air temperature for five days does not exceed eight degrees.

Read also:

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