In the leaked video, Trump tries to get an independent candidate on the team

A private video of independent US presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been leaked and shared on social media.

In the video, Kennedy is seen talking on the phone with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. The call is put on loudspeaker, and therefore you can hear what is being said in the video.

Here Trump suggests that Kennedy do something to support his campaign in the election.

– I would love for you to do something – and I think it would be so good and great for you, Trump says, among other things, according to the video.

Presumably with reference to the election campaign.

The authenticity of the video has subsequently been confirmed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

– We are going to win, Trump continues, after which Kennedy answers yes.

According to the video, Trump says the two are way ahead of “the guy,” after which he refers to the incumbent Democratic president, Joe Biden.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has subsequently apologized for the leak to Trump on the social media X.

– I am shocked that this has been shared. I apologize to the president, he writes, among other things, in the post.

Vaccines are also discussed in the call. Here, Trump repeats some of Kennedy’s earlier views on the subject.

Among other things, they talk about how vaccines can change people in a negative direction.

According to the American media CNN, Joe Biden subsequently responded to that part of the call in a statement.

– Trump and his anti-vax friend “Bobby” are spreading dangerous conspiracy theories that threaten the life-saving care that tens of thousands of people depend on, Biden says, among other things.

According to CNN, Kennedy has repeatedly spread false claims about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ranging from liberals to conservatives and independents.

Some polls show that he can draw voters from both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

