“In the past complaints for neighborhood issues”

Based on what has been reconstructed so far, there had already been arguments between Giovanna Chinnici – stabbed to death by her brother-in-law in Nova Milanese (Monza and Brianza) – and her brother-in-law over neighborhood issues. There had also already been complaints.

There had already been, in the past, arguments and complaints over neighborhood issues: this is what was revealed to Fanpage.it from investigative sources relating to the murder of Giovanna Chinnicithe woman who was killed stabbed by his 63-year-old brother-in-law Giuseppe Caputo in Nova Milanese (Monza and Brianza). According to what has been reconstructed so far, the man first had an argument with Chinnici’s daughter, a 28-year-old girl, over parking.

The dynamics of the murder

He then went into the house to get a knife and threatened him. The young woman apparently started screaming: some relatives and the woman, who he would have tried to defend the girl. The man then stabbed her three or four times. The other relatives would then call for help.

The 118 health workers, sent by the operations center of the Lombardy regional emergency emergency agency (Areu), and the carabinieri of the Desio company intervened on site. The first ones transferred the woman in very serious conditions to the Desio hospital. Once you arrive, was declared dead: the wounds to the chest would have been too serious.

Who was Giovanna Chinnici, killed by her brother-in-law for a parking lot: she died to defend her daughter

The victim and the arrested man lived in the same building

The Carabinieri of Desio instead carried out all the necessary investigations and transferred the 63-year-old to the barracks: for the moment he is in custody. The military then reconstructed the dynamics and the context in which the crime occurred. Chinnici, her daughter and the 63-year-old lived in a building inhabited by three families, all related to each other. There had been arguments over family issues for some time, but no one thought it would ever lead to murder.

Source: www.fanpage.it