In the United States, 10 days before the presidential election, a bronze turd installed in front of the Capitol

picture alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty I A work in the shape of a turd was installed in front of the Capitol in Washington to denounce the assault it suffered on January 6, 2001 by conservative voters.

picture alliance / dpa/picture alliance via Getty I

A work in the shape of a turd was installed in front of the Capitol in Washington to denounce the assault it suffered on January 6, 2001 by conservative voters.

UNITED STATES – The message is clear. Residents and tourists roaming the heart of American democracy in Washington DC were able to discover a new work on the National Mall waking up this Thursday, October 24, a dozen days before the presidential election. Facing the Capitol, a bronze statue representing a turd placed on a desk has indeed been installed. A way of« honorary » ironically those who stormed Congress on January 6, 2021 to contest the defeat of Donald Trump a few weeks earlier.

As you can see belowa message is inscribed on the pedestal of the statue. “This memorial honors the brave men and women who entered the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, to loot, urinate, and defecate in these sacred places in order to overturn an election. President Trump celebrates his January 6 heroes by calling them “incredible patriots” and of “warriors”. This monument is a testament to their bold sacrifice and lasting legacy. »

The work is not signed, but local media like NBC Washington found an installation permit attributed to a certain Julia Jimenez-Pyzik and lasting until October 31.

According to this document, the statue is titled The Resolute Desk (either ” The Office Solved » in French) and symbolizes “the heart of democracy, where decisions are made, voices heard and the future shaped”. It is also written: “When rioters broke in to destroy these ideals, this office remained standing, as did the principles of equality, justice and freedom it represents. »

Still according to the permit, another statue must be installed on October 28 on the avenue which connects the Capitol to the White House. Her name is Tiki Torchnamed after these bamboo torches which had notably been used by white supremacists in Charlottesvillein 2017, and resembles a hand emerging from a stone base. All that remains is to wait and see if this new work will be as provocative as its predecessor.
