In World of Warcraft, a story of cheating taints the race of the best guild in the world

L’extension The War Within opened its first raid in mythic difficulty, which launched the competition between the best guilds of World of Warcraft to try to finish the challenge first The outcome is near, but the race for “world first” has been marred by an accusation of cheating, concerning a fight on an intermediate boss. However, the case was contained and did not call into question the lead of one of these guilds.

On World of Warcraftguild hierarchy is mostly determined by a simple metric: who killed the final boss of the current raid, on the maximum difficulty level. This is commonly referred to as the race to “world first.” With the release of The War Withinthis challenge is of course back.

Currently, the best guilds in the world are battling to finish the Palace of Nerub’ar (that’s the name of the raid) in first place, and on mythic difficulty. This mode has been available since September 17 in North America, and since the 18th in Europe. It is also the first raid since the release of the tenth expansion of WoWand the first of a trilogy.

In World of Warcraft, a story of cheating taints the race of the best guild in the world
The War Within, dixième extension de WoW. // Source : Blizzard

For structures that live off sponsorship and their notoriety, the stakes are colossal. Inevitably, teams tend to spy on each other. They can also hide their game plans, so as not to give clues to their rivals. And, if there is a problem, they can seize social networks and speak out.

« If this is not grounds for banning, what is? »

This is exactly what happened during the weekend of September 21 and 22, when the player Gingi lit the fuse in writing on X (ex-Twitter):

« Guys, Liquid is out there openly exploiting stacks (of a mage spell, Ed.) on a mythic boss. If that’s not grounds for banning, what is, LOL? This is crazy. (Liquid guys) were so quick to report Method and myself (on another thread, Ed.), and now they’re doing this? »

In World of WarcraftGingi is not just anyone. He is a member of the Echo guildone of the three big guilds – with Liquid and Method, therefore – that we very often find on the first steps of the podium as soon as there is a race for the “world first”. Gingi is thus an active player, and who is familiar with the very high level.

For those who don’t know the environment of Blizzard’s MMORPG like the back of their hand, his denunciation is necessarily very obscure.

In short, the problem raised by Gingi concerns a particular technique of the mage, which is obtained towards the end of the game. Starting at level 70, each class can choose heroic spells (one per level, up to level 80, which is the current cap). It is with the “arcane” specialization of the mage that this poses a problem.

To go further


These heroic spells come in two talent trees: “spellcaster” or “sunfury”. Here, it is the combination of the “arcane” specialization, the “spellcaster” talent tree, and certain techniques that appear there (in this case, a passive spell called ” fragmented witchcraft ”) which eventually resulted in unintended in-game behavior.

In the screenshot shared by Gingi, we can see a spell icon with the number 230 written on it (or 250, the visual is of low quality), indicating that the effects of the technique have stacked up enormously on the boss — the nexus princess Ky’Veza. This boss is the fifth of the raid, which has eight. The last one is Queen Ansurek.

Source: ScreenshotSource: Screenshot
The annoyed tweet. // Source: Screenshot

The competition continues, two bosses to kill

As of September 23, only three guilds in the world beat Ky-Veza. Liquid was the first on September 22, then Echo and Method a day later. The rest of the competition is not far behind. On the previous boss (the fourth), called Toressaim Ovi’Nax, five other teams have already passed the obstacle, still as of September 23.

For its part, Liquid did not, to our knowledge, want to give rise to the controversy. In a tweet, the guild has especially highlighted The effort it took to kill Ky’Veza: 304 attempts. Now, the group is mainly focusing on the Silken Court, which is actually a group of two bosses: Anub’arash and Takazj.

As the specialist site points out Raider.iowhich follows this competition, the operating bug on this mage spell was quickly corrected by Blizzard. It appears that Liquid, if he used this malfunction during an attempt, did not actually beat the boss with this flaw, which did not distort the loyalty of the challenge.

In fact, the ban request launched by Gingi has clearly not been followed by the publisher of the MMORPG, Liquid being still in the race. Blizzard has not yet made mention on its X account of the guild’s success, at the time of writing. Since the beginning of the race for the “world first”, the studio tweet regularly on the ” progress ».

There are now only two bosses left to finish this race, until the next raid.

For the moment, the best progression on the silky court is to be credited to Echo, who has lowered the life of the two bosses to 56.04%, to date (Liquid’s progression is not known). In fact, the crown will probably be played between Echo, Liquid and Method. Unless there is a surprise, a bit like 2023? That would be a miracle.
