Apple will change how AI-summarized notifications are displayed on iPhone and other devices. The decision comes after the BBC reported several errors in the summaries generated by AI, which in some cases have completely distorted the meaning of the original news.
The Cupertino company announced that “a software update in the coming weeks will further clarify when the text displayed is a summary provided by Apple Intelligence“. The feature, still in beta in the UK, he had mistakenly rewritten news headlines, anticipated sports results that had not yet occurred and even attributed false statements to famous people.
Among the most striking examples cited by the BBC, there is the case of a personal message in which the phrase “that hike almost killed me” it had been summarized as a “suicide attempt”. Apple emphasized that receiving summaries is optional, and users can turn off or customize the feature from their device settings.
To disable or change apps that use AI summaries, users can go to Settings > Notifications > Summary notifications. The change announced by Apple aims to make the use of artificial intelligence more transparent, avoiding potentially harmful misunderstandings.