Incident at a chemistry workshop in Cluj: Two girls suffered burns after an experiment

Incident at a chemistry workshop in Cluj: Two girls suffered burns after an experiment

Two girls aged 7 and 11 were injured on Saturday afternoon during an experiment at a chemistry workshop in Cluj-Napoca, but it was announced on Monday by the Cluj Police.

Incident at a chemistry workshop in Cluj: Two girls suffered burns after an experiment

According to the Cluj Police, the girls were participating in a chemical experiment when they got too close to the work table. Strands of their hair caught fire, causing burns.

“Following the investigations carried out by the police, it emerged that the two minors would not have kept the recommended distance, at which point strands of their hair would have been set on fire,” the quoted source says.

Immediately after the incident, the two girls were taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

The police opened an investigation for culpable bodily harm and to establish all the circumstances in which the incident took place.
