Infernal plan: The West is preparing to indict Russia

EPA/Sergei Ilnitsky

The West is preparing to indict Russia for the use of chemical weapons, Vladimir Tarabrin, the permanent representative of the Russian Federation at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), told Russian journalists.

– They are actively working with the technical secretariat of the OCHR to force it to take some steps in order to accuse Russia of using chemical weapons – said Tarabrin.

He pointed out that the Russian side opposes it in every way and tries to prove with concrete facts that all these efforts will fail.

Earlier, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense forces of the Russian Armed Forces said that the US and Germany, together with Ukraine and the technical secretariat of the OPCW, are preparing to launch a special mission to investigate the use of chemical weapons in Ukraine.

The diplomat also added that there is not and cannot be a chemical threat to Ukraine from Russia. At the same time, Moscow does not rule out that it could invite experts from the OZHO to study the evidence of the use of such weapons by Kiev, he noted.

The 106th session of the OZHO Executive Council was held in The Hague from July 9 to 12. At the end of the session, Tarabrin stated that Ukraine is in flagrant violation of the convention by using chemical weapons against the Russian army. He noted that many foreign experts and channels are talking about it. In particular, they point out that the Armed Forces of Ukraine actively use drones to deliver toxic chemicals. In addition, the US, which supplies Kiev with these substances, also acts contrary to the convention, the diplomat stressed.
