Injac is a candidate for Rute’s deputy

Olivera Injac, Photo: Luka Zekovic

Former Minister of Defense Olivera Injac is on the list of candidates for Deputy Secretary General of NATO When Rutea“Vijesti” learns.

An interlocutor of the newspaper familiar with the process of the election of number two in the Alliance said that the outgoing mayor of Podgorica was in Brussels yesterday, where she had an interview for a new job, as one of several candidates from Eastern Europe.

Injac did not respond to messages and calls from journalists last night.

“Vijesti” sources and former NATO officials claim that there is general agreement in the Alliance that Rute’s deputy should be a woman from that region.

The former Croatian president is reportedly among the candidates Kolinda Grabar Kitarovićformer Macedonian Minister of Education Radmila Šekerinska, former Latvian Prime Minister Krišjanis Karinš, outgoing Estonian energy commissioner Kadri Samson

The general secretary has the exclusive authority to choose his deputy. However, Rute, the former Dutch Prime Minister, who entered this position on October 1 instead Jens Stoltenbergrecently invited member states to propose candidates, about which he then conducts informal consultations with them.

Former Deputy General Secretary Mircea Joan he resigned in September to participate in the presidential campaign in Romania in November, and Stoltenberg appointed a German diplomat as acting deputy secretary Boris Ruge.

In June, some Montenegrin media reported the writing of Turkish portals that the former president of Montenegro Milo Đukanović could be a candidate for Deputy Secretary General of NATO.

“Firtina Haber” and “Turkiye’de Enerji” announced at the time that such an initiative was allegedly being prepared by several members of the Alliance, including Turkey, referring to diplomatic sources from several members and unnamed officials from the ministries of foreign affairs and national defense of Turkey.

The Ministry of Defense told “Vijesti” at the time that they had received neither formal nor informal notification about the possible candidacy of Đukanović, neither directly from any NATO member, nor through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In addition to Šekerinska, the former Bulgarian European Commissioner was also mentioned as a candidate in the serious European media Maria Gabriel.

“For the next deputy secretary general, we need a distinguished person who is very competent, courageous, knows Russia and understands the challenges in the Western Balkans,” she told Politiko in August. Maja Rugesenior associate at the European Council for Foreign Affairs, judging that Šekerinska “fits that profile perfectly”.

The role of the Deputy Secretary General has gained in importance over the past decade, a former spokeswoman for NATO told “Politika” Oana Lungesku.

The primary role of the person in that position is to assist and deputize the Secretary General, to chair a series of committees, ad hoc groups and working groups, and a bi-weekly meeting of the 32 ambassadors sitting on the NATO Council or some urgent meeting, including the NATO-Ukraine Council.

In May 2021, Joana chaired an informal meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Berlin when Stoltenberg had covid.

Injac is the vice-president of the ruling Europe Now Movement, and she was elected mayor of Podgorica in April last year. She was the Minister of Defense in the Government Zdravka Krivokapića from December 2020 to April 2022.

From 2000 to 2007, she was an independent consultant-analyst in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Montenegro in the Public Security Service – Criminal Police Directorate and Department for Analytics. After that, she was an independent consultant in the Department for International Police Cooperation. He is an associate professor at the University of Donja Gorica on security subjects.

