Intel discontinued its cheapest RS1 cooler, which was only used for two weak processors. It will be replaced by the RM1 universal cooler used in most Intel processors.
Intel has announced that it is discontinuing production of its cheapest box cooler, the RS1 Laminar. This model was launched in 2021 along with 12th generation Alder Lake processors. The cooler, made of aluminum with a plastic cover, weighed approximately 260 grams and was designed for processors with a TDP of up to 65 W. Although the cooler was better than its older brothers, it could only be used for two processors, the Pentium G7400 and the Celeron G6900.
The reason for termination is quite logical – low demand. Both processors have a TDP of only 46W, which the cooler managed, but to produce a separate cooler only for two processors, which are not even in high demand, is simply stupid. Instead of RS1, Intel will use the more popular and used model RM1, which is almost the same, but offers better heat dissipation thanks to the copper core and a light LED strip for better effect :D.
The RM1 cooler is used for most Intel processors from Core i3 to Core i7 in the 12th, 13th and 14th generations. In addition, it was also used in the newer Intel Processor 300, which is a rebranded model of the Pentium G7400.