Inventor’s Corner No. 54. Volume adjustment


We talked about volume more than once, but more and more in the context of other technical solutions. In one case, it was an opportunity to “like” songs with headphones while listening to a selection from streaming services, so that the “suggestion” would be automatically adjusted; in another, it was a virtual fitting room for headphones, when the user was asked to select a model based on the design of the body, comparing it with the one he liked version. The materials can be found using the links below:

But today there will be a literal volume control. Well, while you are thinking about how it can be patented if it has been known for a hundred years, let’s discuss the invention from the last issue.


In Corner No. 53 we talked about alternative navigation using QR codes. The idea arose as a result of frequent mentions of the unstable operation of the satellite signal due to its jamming due to the threat of missile attacks and the use of satellites for positioning UAVs. More details about the idea can be found here:

A typical scenario was described in which, due to a GPS malfunction, the smartphone was unable to correctly navigate the city to the desired address. Eldar spoke about this situation in the context of thinking about the loss of human natural skills due to technological devices. We set out to solve both problems and suggested using encrypted links for navigation that would lead to a map marked “You are here.” Separately, the possibility of indicating the direction of movement was indicated depending on which code the user photographed, etc. We will not retell the entire formula. As expected, the decision was criticized. Many thanks to dear readers for your opinion. In particular, there was a surprised reaction regarding the need for new codes with the working technology of recognizing addresses from house plates. Well, that makes sense. However, one can argue: how often are signs with house numbers proudly displayed alone, and not installed next to store signs or some other text inscriptions that distract the camera? Placing the picture on a post at an intersection would be more appropriate. So, when a person approaches the crossing, he will immediately point his smartphone at the code and receive an answer. At the same time, this is another reason to stop before crossing, and not fly without looking around.

Another opinion pointed to the existence of Bluetooth beacons and WiFi networks, which would be more convenient to navigate in an existing program. Undoubtedly. But to get the authorities to install a Bluetooth beacon at every intersection, a small solar panel to power and operate all this all year round, seems to me to be a much more difficult task than a pole with two signs of intersecting streets and an image of a QR code.

But one change to the formula still needs to be introduced. We somehow didn’t pay attention to how the concept of “Internet access” became somehow self-evident and any mention of it anywhere looks logical and correct. But a QR code can also be implemented through a link to an image in the application. And the application can be adapted to work offline. Therefore, the independent claim should be written as follows:

1. Positioning system containing an electronic map, address search and navigation system;

  • The mentioned navigation system is made in the form of codes placed on the ground from an electronic map, in which a link leading to a map image with a label is encrypted.

The difference compared to the original version is small, but now “access to the Internet” will not narrow the scope of protection to exclusively online services.

By the way, the sizes of the codes are Lecron‘om found out in the comments. From three meters a square of 20 by 20 centimeters is considered. Let’s move on.


A constantly reminiscent situation with different volumes in different applications. In one online cinema in the video player it is set to the middle, in another it is set to maximum, in the third it is completely turned off. And even, having set the optimal level for the situation, in the process of watching a movie, advertising may also come out, which, as a rule, starts screaming so much that you wake up, literally in a minute, having dozed off to some boring thing. The physical source of the sound also greatly influences it. My TV is connected to a computer, because although it is smart, it is still much more convenient to control a computer. And when you switch between sources, a surprise may also await you. Well, the files have a big impact. Most modern rips are loud and high quality, but some of the older files can be very quiet. We need to do something about this.

State of the art

The most obvious, reliable and proven invention for controlling TV functions is the remote control. As Andrey Atlas says: this is the only invention that the older generation has no questions about. It seems like no one has yet said that if a TV has a remote control, then it is no longer television, but some kind of fake. Like, maybe it happened before. No. With this invention, everything worked out for everyone:

The devices vary greatly in appearance, but the essence is the same. Today there’s more emphasis on cursor controls and arrow keys, but volume buttons aren’t going away.

Another analogue is a car.

Yes, yes. This may seem absurd, but modern car control systems are capable of storing driver profiles in order to automatically adjust the equipment in the cabin to the needs of each user. I am sure that this is convenient if the car is in common use in the family and you don’t want to adjust the steering wheel reach or temperature every time.

Among all this data there is also a sound volume setting. All thanks to an extensive network of relevant sensors that track not only that a person got into the car, but also identify the user. The multimedia system can even deliver the desired wave.

The closest analogue would be headphones with a noise reduction system. There is both a mechanical cut-off from external noise in the form of ear pads, and a sensor with a software part. As a result, we either may not hear external noises, or, on the contrary, switch to them. For example, while jogging, in order to hear an approaching car or an ambulance siren in time when it turns red.

But perhaps even closer to the ideal solution is the principle inherent in a smart faucet.

I still can’t get around to studying the issue with this device. If there are people who have encountered or are using it, please unsubscribe. I would like to insure myself against sudden temperature changes. Lately something has been really annoying me. Will something like this save you? But no matter how well it works in real life, on paper the principle looks like a prototype. It is the principle, not the device. But since we will still be talking about an invention, the question remains, what to patent? In theory, we need a TV. The problem was described using his example, and he is among the analogues (though in the context of the remote control). However, you still have to patent the method. Let’s try it.

Carrying out the invention

The user turns on a multimedia device capable of displaying images. For example, TV. Using the control tool, you select the appropriate application to view video content. Simultaneously with the launch of the application, a program is launched to monitor sound volume. Next, the user launches the desired video file. After some time of playing the file, a commercial starts. It can be either strictly tied to the time of viewing the main file, or played randomly in accordance with its own algorithm. At this moment, the program, having previously assessed the volume level embedded in the video sequence, automatically adjusts it to the one indicated as acceptable. This will make it possible to level out the actions of marketers to attract attention to advertising products, when specialists from the relevant departments increase the volume several times in such videos to sharply switch the attention of users. Also, in accordance with an additional paragraph of the invention, it is possible to set restrictions for files that are not equipped with advertising inserts. This can be useful when watching blockbusters, where the sound of battle scenes can be deafening, but dialogue scenes, on the contrary, seem muffled.

Formula of invention

1. A method for controlling sound volume, consisting in the following:

  • The user launches a special volume control program and specifies the applications in which volume control is required;
  • The user specifies the acceptable range of volume values;
  • The user launches one of the applications listed in the list for volume control;
  • A special volume control program is automatically launched;
  • While the application is running, a special volume control program monitors the audio sequence and keeps the volume within the interval previously specified by the user.

2. Method for controlling sound volume according to claim 1, characterized in that

  • The user launches a special volume control program and specifies the files in which volume control is required.

Thus, we get an application that can be used both on mobile devices and on desktop computers. One of the features of the program will be some delay in playback. Or rather, not a delay, but a shift relative to the moment of launch. After all, the program first needs to estimate the volume before releasing audio to the user’s ears. However, this does not seem to be a big problem. Especially considering that this is not such a long interval. I would certainly not recommend this kind of interference in the sound engineering process, since competent sound of films like “Blade Runner 2049”, “Dune” or “Oppenheimer” is often a reason to watch them again. But at the same time, screamers in horror films at night, which even make neighbors flinch, are also abnormal. So this is the golden mean.

As usual, offer your additions. Criticism is welcome. You are welcome to comment.

Bold ideas, great inventions and successful products. Good luck!
