Investment in a luxury handbag – we advise you how to do it –

Anyone coming across this topic for the first time might laugh. It is a fact that some luxury handbags have investment value. The prices of luxury goods are constantly rising and who bought Chanel Flap Bag in 2010 for approx 60,000 CZK she has a purse of twice the value today.

Which handbags are a good investment?

Although the prices of almost all luxury goods rise, only some things retain their value and few can be considered an investment. The key is the timelessness and iconicity of the handbag. Handbags from the permanent collection, models that are typical for a given luxury brand and which will be produced for many years to come and therefore sold (most likely) at ever higher prices, have a higher value every year.

An example of such handbags is Lady Dior from Dior,
Flap Bag od Chanel, Speedy and Neverfull by Louis Vuittonor – the best investment of all – Birkin od Hermes. The Birkin is a symbol of luxury, and its desirability adds to its unavailability. You don’t just buy a Birkin, and the lucky person can sell the bag immediately for a higher price. At least that’s how it is abroad. Birkins are in demand almost all over the world and interested parties are willing to pay for them.

Louis Vuitton Speedy Monogram Canvas
Dior Lady DiorDior Lady Dior

Which handbag to choose

Whether your real reason for buying a luxury handbag is investment, or you’re just trying to excuse your extravagance, it always pays to think carefully about what bag you take home from the store. It is always a good idea to invest for the later sale of the handbag to classics and colorswhich does not get tired and also does not get dirty or stained. You will never spoil anything
black or dark muted shades. Non-perishable materials are leather with surface treatment or coated canvases, firm leather with texturepossibly also textile materials or nylon in dark color. Be careful with patent leather or brushed leather.

Handbag storage

If you store the newly purchased handbag well stuffed
av dust bag in placewhere nothing will touch it and it will not be exposed to extreme temperatures, you are sure that even after twenty years it will be like new. If you plan to carry a handbag, be careful both when carrying it and storing it, and if possible remove dirt immediately.

Photo source: Šárka Rychtářová
