Investments, Plannix challenges the (false) finance gurus on Instagram

I social mediacome Instagram e TikTokare progressively replacing newspapers like main source of financial information for young people. A worrying fact is that 36% of Italiansespecially younger people, rely on these channels to make decisions about how to allocate their savings. Lack of experience and vulnerability to external influences make this segment of the population susceptible to scams such as Ponzi schemesil phishing is cryptotruffe.

Despite a low level of financial literacy, 38% of young Italians between 18 and 29 years old began investing, highlighting a strong desire to grow his capital. But this is exactly it desire for financial independenceoften poorly managed, which exposes them to avoidable risks.

The young investor between opportunities and risks

Young Italians, while preferring to manage their investments independently, often find themselves having to deal with the fear of missing opportunities o to concern for future economic stability. Among the most used tools are ETF, mutual funds e cryptocurrencieswith growing interest in sustainable investing. However, as he states Andrea Bosio Of Plannixmany decisions are driven by FOMO (fear of missing out) rather than structured long-term planning.

Andrea Bosio, Plannix

The Plannix savings guide

To counteract dependence on the so-calledfinance guru” on social media, Plannix, an independent financial consultancy platform founded in 2022, has launched a practical guide for young investors. The key concept? It’s not the initial capital that counts, but the consistency in saving month after month.

  • Protection of human capital: the first step is to insure against any risks, such as disability or premature death, which could compromise your ability to generate income. Insurance policiessuch as that for permanent or temporary disability (TCM), are fundamental tools for protecting yourself and your loved ones.
  • Establishment of an emergency fund: according to Plannix, it is essential to create an emergency fund that covers the four to eight monthly payments salary, depending on the type of employment. These funds must be held in liquid and safe instruments, such as bank accounts or ETF monetaryto ensure immediate accessibility in case of need.
  • Long-term investments: Once capital protection and the emergency fund are secured, young people should focus on long-term investments, in particular for the construction of a pension capital. The guide recommends using Diversified ETFs in the long term, taking advantage of their young age to take advantage of the growth of the stock market.

Financial advice: beware of hidden interests

Plannix’s message is clear: when receiving financial advice, it’s crucial to ask yourself “What is the interest of the person who is giving me this advice?”. Behind the seemingly innocuous information on social media there could be a conflict of interest, with non-professional advisors aiming for their own profit rather than the real growth of the capital of young investors.

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