IPA report revealed: Istanbul is at the top of the deterioration in income distribution!

Istanbul Planning Agency (IPA) The income distribution report published by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality revealed that income inequality in Istanbul has deteriorated more in the last 10 years compared to Türkiye in general. According to the report, the Gini coefficient, measured based on household disposable income, increased from 0.357 in Istanbul in 2014 to 0.428 in 2024. Throughout Türkiye, the Gini coefficient increased from 0.379 to 0.418 in the same period.

Inequality in income distribution increased

The Gini coefficient indicates equality in income distribution as it approaches zero, and inequality as it approaches one. The rise in this indicator in Istanbul showed that income inequality has increased significantly in the last 10 years.

In the report, the average increase rates of income groups in Istanbul were examined. From 2014:

* The average income of the poorest 20 percent income group increased 10.8 times.
* The average income of the richest 20 percent income group increased 14.5 times.

Throughout Türkiye:

* While the average income of the poorest 20 percent increased by 10.7 times,
* The average income of the richest 20 percent increased by 12.6 times.

The income gap has widened

The difference between the income of the richest 10 percent and the poorest 10 percent in Istanbul has increased remarkably in the last 10 years. This rate, which was 9.25 in 2014, increased to 13.91 in 2024. This situation revealed that the inequality in income distribution was getting deeper.

Source: www.dunya.com