Irene Montero has starred in several headlines in our program, which we have reviewed during her premiere as a collaborator in ‘Everything is a lie’, more specifically the ‘speak for them’ that generated controversy, but two years later.
Risto Mejide presented on November 24, 2022: “What happens every time there is a mess in ‘ Podemos’, because how it always happens in a party whose general secretary is a woman and whose government action secretary, has to come out to defend them, who? Well a man. This is ‘speak for them.’
Something that two years later, Pablo Iglesias and Echenique echoed this on their social networks, ensuring that “a crude and sexist mockery” was made in which “Ione Belarra and Irene Montero were presented as puppets of a man”, among other words.
And so we have asked Irene Montero liveof which she said: “I’m very used to sexist jokes. Risto, I’m not saying that you say it, but Ione and I have an image that we always show our faces, that we say things, like we don’t pass and then say that a man has to defend us. Other things can be said about usbut that we do not say things clearly and that We don’t defend ourselves… This abounds in a story that has been tried to be constructed and that does not respond to the reality of what ‘Vamos’ is, which is an organization run by women, but I fit them with sportsmanship“.
“And I aspire to convince youmaybe in the most everyday treatment you realize”, Irene said directly to our presenter, who responded to this: “That’s good.” “Bring me more, I’ll train and then we’ll apply it,” said the MEP, who He clarified that he collaborates in our program without paying: “I am here making the voice of ‘Vamos’ heard.”