Is it legal to get in front of another driver at a traffic light? How the traffic law is applied

There are many drivers who, in order to avoid the congestion, drive in the left or right turning lanes, but get in front of those stopped at the traffic lights to continue their journey forward.

Many intersections have dedicated right- or left-turn lanes.

In some cases, they are equipped with a flashing green traffic light, so they are freer than the rest of the traffic lanes.

However, there are many drivers who use them to avoid congestion.

Is it legal to get in front of another driver at a traffic light?

Those who want to “fool” the traffic, use the right or left turn lane to pass in front of those who are waiting to turn green in the forward direction.

For example, on a road with two lanes, one dedicated to the right turn, those going ahead have the obligation to stay in lane 2. When there is heavy traffic, quite a long queue of cars can often form.

But, some drivers, who don’t have the patience to stand in line, fall into the right turn lane. And when they get to the traffic lights, they get in front of those standing at a red light.

However, in such a situation, those who get in front risk losing their driver’s license. Because this maneuver involves crossing the traffic light mark.

At the red light, the vehicle must be stopped before the stop sign or, as the case may be, for the crossing of pedestrians, and in its absence, next to the traffic light. If the traffic light is installed above or on the other side of the intersection, in the absence of the marking for stopping or for pedestrians to cross, the vehicle must stop before the edge of the carriageway of the road to be crossed“, establishes Art. 83, para. (2), from the traffic law.

In such a situation, the driver who pulls in front at the traffic light will be fined between 660 lei and 825 lei.

And if the traffic light is green and a driver enters the right-hand turn lane but goes ahead, he is breaking the law.

It constitutes a misdemeanor and is sanctioned with 2 fine points (…) failure to comply with the rules regarding changing the traffic lane or the direction of travel“, it is stipulated in the Highway Code. Which means a penalty of 330 lei.

Right flashing green traffic light rule

Traffic lights located at an intersection can address all vehicles or only certain traffic lanes. Thus, on a 3-lane road, even 4 traffic lights can be placed.

For example, one might be for left-turners, one for forwards, and another for right-turners. And, additionally, a right-turn flashing light can be put on.

The latter allows right-handers to enter the intersection, regardless of the color of the other traffic lights.

Which means that even though you can make a right turn, you have the obligation to yield to pedestrians and vehicles coming from the other directions.

Also, if there is a lane dedicated exclusively to right-turners, only they have the right to use it.
