When you encounter an intersection with a flashing green light on the right, you have a number of obligations. For example, is it legal to pull in front of those stopped at traffic lights to allow right-turning vehicles to pass?
The role of flashing lights is to facilitate traffic flow and allow those turning right or left to pass, even if the main traffic light is red.
This does not mean, however, that it cancels the priority of those who have green. Or that it allows drivers to perform other irregular maneuvers.
What obligations do you have when it’s flashing green on the right
Traffic lights located at an intersection can address all vehicles or only certain traffic lanes. Thus, on a 3-lane road, even 4 traffic lights can be placed.
For example, one might be for left-turners, one for forwards, and another for right-turners. And, additionally, a right-turn flashing light can be put on.
The latter allows right-handers to enter the intersection, regardless of the color of the other traffic lights.
„When a three-color traffic light has an additional flashing green light, mounted at the same level as the normal green light of the traffic light, in the form of a green arrow on a black background with the tip pointing to the right, its illumination signifies permission for vehicles to proceed on their way in the direction indicated by the arrow, regardless of the color of the electric traffic light, provided priority is given to vehicles and pedestrians who have the right of way”, it is specified in Art. 59 (4) of the traffic law.
Which means that even though you can make a right turn, you have the obligation to yield to pedestrians and vehicles coming from the other directions.
Is it legal to get in front of people stopped at traffic lights?
In many situations, drivers may encounter a green light flashing to the right on a one-lane road. In which case, if you go forward, you will block those who want to make a right turn. Which is not illegal, because to allow them to pass, means to enter the opposite direction. Or go over the road marking, which can be considered as running a red light.
However, if the road has several traffic lanes, and one is only for right turns, then the rule is different. Only those making this turn will have the right to travel in this lane. And those who go ahead and block this lane, because they are at “red”, are breaking the law.
„It constitutes a misdemeanor and is sanctioned with 2 fine points (…) failure to comply with the rules regarding changing the traffic lane or the direction of travel“, it is stipulated in the Highway Code. Which means a penalty of 330 lei.
It is also not legal to get in front of people stopped at traffic lights. Because, in this way, you will not respect either the road marking that forces you to go to the right, or the one related to the main traffic light.
Which means that, in such a situation, the driver who pulls in front at the traffic light can lose his license. In addition, there will be a fine between 660 lei and 825 lei.
Source: www.promotor.ro