is it still worth it?

In discussions about the superiority of mobile offers without commitment over 2-year subscriptions from our infrastructure operators, defenders of the latter often argue that they are still an attractive option in combined offers. Today we will check it out.

It is known that fixed internet at home and a mobile offer on the phone are essential offers for most people today. So we will check the combined offers in Orange, Play, Plus and T-Mobile for fiber optics with a phone and compare them with the prices of fiber optics alone and offers without obligation in their sub-brands, purchased separately.

Internet + phone in Orange

In the case of Orange, I will immediately point out that we will take the Orange Flex sub-brand for comparison. Nju mobile is unrivaled here, although its range is very limited – nju fiber optics are not available where Orange Światłowód services are provided.

In the two years since they were launched, only 10,000 customers have used them – so if you are lucky and can use nju fiber optics in your locationdon’t read any further – take them in bundled with a subscription.

Fiber optics in Orange with a speed limit of 300 Mb/s, in a set with a mobile subscription with a data transfer limit of 300 GB, cost PLN 100 per month (including modem rental).

If we bought fiber optics and Orange Flex subscription separately, we would pay PLN 105 per month in total, with a much smaller data transfer limit on the phone. Orange Flex has a free SIM/eSIM card with the same number, in Orange subscription it costs an additional PLN 9, which would make this set less attractive in terms of price.

Internet + phone at Play

We also start the Play offer with a short introduction. This operator does not have a typical combined offer on its website like Orange, but it can be configured separately. How? Here is the best configuration.

This is what it looks like when we take fiber optics after already having a mobile subscription with Play – we will pay a total of PLN 115 for fiber optics with a speed limit of 300 Mb/s and a mobile subscription with a data transfer limit of 150 GB.

In turn, if we first take fiber optics and then transfer the mobile number to Play from another operator for the same subscription, we will pay PLN 105 per month for the same set.

Comparing this to purchasing only optical fibers and a separate subscription to the Virgin Mobile sub-brand without obligation, the total cost will be PLN 85 per month.

Here again we have a conundrum with a much smaller data transfer limit in Virgin Mobile, so before the final choice we have to answer the question – do we really need 150 GB on the phone, or will 20 GB be enough, if we already have fiber optic at home?

Internet + telephone in Plus

In the Plus offer, we also have to configure a combined offer. For fiber optics with a speed limit of 300 Mb/s at a price of PLN 19 per month in the first year of the contract and PLN 40 in the second (an average of PLN 29.50), we must first purchase a mobile subscription for at least PLN 44 – currently for PLN 59 with a limit of 50 GB of data transfer per month.

In total, our costs will amount to PLN 88.50 per month for the entire contract.

We will pay slightly more for purchasing separate fiber optics and the no-obligation offer in the Plush sub-brand for PLN 25 (with a 40 GB data transfer limit) – in total it will be PLN 100.

Internet + phone at T-Mobile

There is still T-Mobile, which, like Orange, has a dedicated tool on its website for configuring the combined offer.

And so, for 300 Mb/s fiber optics and a mobile subscription with no data limit and a speed limit of 30 Mb/s, we will pay on average PLN 103.75 per month throughout the entire contract.

However, if you purchase the same optical fiber and subscription without obligation in the Heyah 01 sub-brand with a 20 GB data transfer limit separately, the total cost will be PLN 84.99.

So, as you can see above, it varies, but you can actually find combined offers for internet + phone, which are more advantageous than the option of buying only fiber optics and choosing an offer for the phone without any obligations.
Stock Image from Depositphotos.
