Is paperwork stifling Europe’s growth?

Officials and entrepreneurs fear that the costs associated with meeting new environmental requirements will have a devastating effect on the competitiveness of the European Union.

  • The difficulty of the paper economy is also discussed in the landmark report on the competitiveness of the EU published on Monday, authored by the former Italian Prime Minister and head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi. Photo: Zuma/Scanpix

Soon, before selling a single bra in the European Union, the Italian lingerie manufacturer Yamamay will have to provide detailed information about the materials a particular bra is made of, who sews it, and what it all costs the planet.

In the past, the creation of the company’s successful underwear collections began with the sketching of fashion drawings, which established the visual side of the product, and then selected the appropriate fabric. “Now the order of things has been turned upside down,” says Barbara Cimmino, Head of Social Responsibility and Innovation at Yamamay. “We have had to completely redesign our work process.”

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