Cough, runny nose, headache and fever – the child fell ill again. How to make sure that a preschooler or schoolchild gets sick less often? This is a question many parents ask. And it is not surprising, because not only the child gets sick, but he also infects other family members, which is why he has to miss school and work.
The first year in kindergarten is the most difficult
The age at which parents decide to send their child to kindergarten plays a big role. The sooner this happens, the more often and longer the child will get sick, since his immunity has not yet formed and is strengthened under the influence of viruses and other infections. If before this the child had virtually no communication with other people outside the family, this means that there was no exchange of microflora, which makes him more vulnerable to viruses. The baby gradually gets used to the microflora of other children and the garden itself, inhaling it and touching surfaces. And he brings all this home, which is why the rest of the family often gets sick. The most difficult period is usually the first year in kindergarten. At this time, the baby can get sick more than ten times. However, his body gradually gets used to it and produces antibodies to various viruses that he has already encountered.
Dress so that the child does not overheat
Children are very active. If you dress your child too warmly, he will sweat, which increases the likelihood of catching a cold. Here it is worth paying attention to the actions of teachers. When a group gathers for a walk, children should be dressed in stages: first everyone puts on pants, then jackets, then scarves, hats, and finally shoes and outer jackets. This will prevent the children who are dressed first from sweating while they wait for the others.
Take care of your child’s health
When starting kindergarten or school, it is important to ensure that the child is vaccinated against diseases included in the vaccination schedule. Currently, for example, whooping cough is actively spreading, and there are parents who did not vaccinate their children against it at one time.
Before starting school, you should consult an ophthalmologist. If a child sees poorly, he will not say so himself, since he has nothing to compare with. If the teacher sits him at the back of the class, the child will have to strain his eye muscles to see what is written on the board. Regular muscle tension can cause headaches, which can sometimes cause a fever.
If your child has a virus
– Treat runny nose, cough and lower the temperature if it is too high.
– It is important that the child drinks enough liquid. If the child drinks and goes to the toilet, the symptoms will go away faster, since he will not be dehydrated, and toxins will be eliminated from the body with fluid.
– Teach children to cough and sneeze correctly from an early age. Previously, they taught to do this in the palm of their hand, but does the child wash his hands afterwards? Particles of the virus remain in the palm, which transfer to surfaces that the child touches: door handles, phones, tablets. This way other family members can become infected. Therefore, learn to sneeze into your elbow.
– It is important to regularly ventilate the room. When it’s cool outside, take your child out of the room and ventilate it. Also ventilate all areas of the house!