Is your quality of sleep satisfactory?

Insomnia, sleepwalking, apnea… sleep disorders are numerous and can quickly poison your life, or even trigger certain pathologies. And we are not all equal when it’s time to go to bed…

Do you sleep well?

According to theNational Institute of Sleep and Vigilance, the French sleep more and more poorly ! No less than a quarter report suffering from sleep problems and half feel tired at work.

Is your quality of sleep satisfactory?

One of the main reasons is that we make nights getting shorter and shorter – we have lost 1h30 in around 15 years – but also poor quality. Of course, it is the working hours and rhythms that are to blame, as well as the lengthening of transport times but also the presence of young children in the home…

In addition, sleep disorders affect a large part of the population: insomnia (20% of cases), restless legs (5%), sleep apnea (4%)!

Fortunately, many natural solutions for sleeping well such as aromatherapy exist to find peaceful nights and start again to sleep well.

Banner illustration: The quality of sleep has an impact on the quality of life! – ©

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