Isa Pantoja: this is how her mother reacted to her pregnancy

One Pantoja He touched the hearts of a large part of the Telecinco audience with the interview he gave a few days ago on the program ‘On Friday!’, in which he spoke about the authentic relationship he has had throughout his life with his mother.

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The woman of Asraf Beno She has felt alone on many occasions and considers that her mother has not been up to the task. Of course, there was a moment of vital importance in which the most famous tonadillera in Spain accompanied her and was next to her.

For a long time, it was a mystery to know what Isabel Pantoja’s reaction to the pregnancy of her daughter. People speculated and there were even people who said that the first person who found out was the young woman’s brother.

However, after years of speculation, it was Isa Pi herself who cleared up our doubts in what was the nightly program. Jorge Javiera Vázquez. In an interview he gave in 2019, he told what the moment was really like.

The first one I told was my mother.. We were alone, I told him that I wasn’t getting my period and I thought he was going to take it the wrong way, but what he did was touch my belly and tell me: ‘You know you could be pregnant, right?'” declared the interviewee. .

It was after telling her that phrase when, as Isa Pantoja told in ‘Sábado Deluxe’, her mother offered to accompany her to the pharmacy to buy the test that would clear her doubts: “They took me to the pharmacy and it was something very intimate”.

“We were just the two of us.”I took the test and it was positive. “I thought he was going to kill me, because my family is very traditional, and when I told him, he gave me a hug and started crying because of the accumulation of emotions,” said Asraf Beno’s wife.

Seeing her like this calmed me down and I started to cry.. She told me to realize that, from that moment on, we were two people and to calm down because nothing was going to happen to us with her,” said the youngest member of the clan.
