It contains autochthonous strains adapted to our geographical area

The first Balkan probiotic presented: It contains autochthonous strains adapted to our geographical area

A conference called “Global scientific innovations in the field of health – Innovation” was held today in the Science and Technology Park. Integration. Inspiration”. The conference was organized under the auspices of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering of Serbia and the Swiss-Serbian company “Phytonet”.

Central panel of the conference “Research into innovative natural ingredients based on science” has scientifically analyzed the importance of using indigenous strains of probiotics that occur naturally in specific geographic regions or within a specific population. In particular, on our market, for about 40 years, intensive work has been done on the development of probiotics, the composition of which is adapted to the geographical area and health parameters that characterize our region and citizens. (HiRaDophilus®) The Balkan probiotic was innovated by our scientists from the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering and can be considered revolutionary when it comes to final, innovative pharmaceutical solutions.


The following presented their professional presentations at the conference: Dr. Marina Sokovićassistant minister in the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation in the Government of the Republic of Serbia, dr Ana Govedaricapresident of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Ane Lugon-Mulinambassador of Switzerland in Belgrade, then Dr. Sanja Jeremićdeputy director of the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, dr Cem Aydogangeneral manager of the Swiss company “Phytonet”, Dr. Bojan Pavlovićdirector of the company “Phytonet” in Serbia, as well as Gordana Danilović-Grković and Vladislav Cvetković, MScdirector of the Science and Technology Park and director of the company “PriceWaterhouseCoopers” Serbia.


About the importance of holding this conference, they said:

Dr. Marina Soković, Assistant Minister for Science, Technological Development and Innovation: “Today’s conference is a wonderful opportunity to connect the pharmaceutical industry with science, primarily because of the very topic that Phytonet deals with. As the name of the conference itself says – “to connect and integrate” and that science meets innovation, because without fundamental science we have neither applied nor innovation. We exchanged experiences between science, business and the pharmaceutical sector during today’s conference. As for the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, one of our priorities is certainly the application of science and scientific results for the purpose of developing society and the economy in a global sense, so one of our priorities is the development of innovations based on scientific results.”


Dr. Ana Govedarica, President of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce: “Innovation is at the heart of the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce. With 70 member companies, we strive to present the best Swiss practice in innovation and contribute to the further development of economic relations between Switzerland and Serbia. Today’s Phytonet gold member conference will show how innovation connects our two nations and how together we can drive growth and prosperity. Switzerland is known as a world champion in innovation. Such a business environment and the use of new technologies, patents and technical know-how led to this significant position. At the same time, Serbia is taking significant steps in building an economy based on knowledge, science and innovation. Investments in research and development lead to areas such as information technology, agriculture and health. The establishment of the Science and Technology Park in Belgrade is an example of Serbia’s commitment to encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship. Innovation in healthcare, which is also the topic of today’s conference. All of the above is about improving people’s lives, making sure patients get the right treatment at the right time. At Roche, innovation is our cornerstone. Founded more than 125 years ago, we have been at the forefront of medical advances, pioneering breakthroughs in oncology, immunology, infectious diseases and personalized healthcare. In Serbia, Roche contributes to the local healthcare ecosystem that is dedicated to research and development. I am convinced that only our joint efforts can lead to more effective treatments and better patient outcomes. Working together, we can accelerate innovation and bring hope to patients around the world. For this reason, the Swiss-Serbian Chamber of Commerce strongly supports Phytonet’s focus on the development of innovative premium health ingredients and their contribution to improving health care and well-being.”


Anne Lugon Mullin, Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia: It is my honor to open this important conference with the General Director of Phytonet and the Deputy Minister for Science, Technological Development and Innovation. The Swiss government supports the Science and Technology Park, and Phytonet is one of the leading Swiss companies whose research and development sector is located in the Science and Technology Park. This confirms that the joint investments of the Swiss Government, the Science and Technology Park and the Serbian Government and important institutions are successfully resulting in important conferences that can have a significant impact on the further growth and development of nutritionism and innovative ingredients.”

Dr. Sanja Jeremić, deputy director of the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering: “The Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering fosters long-term successful cooperation with the company Phytonet in the field of research and development of innovative products resulting from the research results of our scientists in the field of biotechnology. We share common values ​​based on the belief that only innovations backed by fundamental science can shape the boundaries of the future. This joint effort shows that in Serbia it is possible to develop an ecosystem in which innovations in the field of biomedicine and biotechnology lead to the development of the bioeconomy.”

Cem Aydogan, general director of the company “Phytonet”during his presentation he stated: “The key to our business is innovation. We strive to stay on top of industry trends, continuously integrating the latest technologies into our production processes. Our goal is to provide not only the best raw materials but also the most advanced and efficient production solutions for our customers.”

Dr. Bojan Pavlović, CEO of Phytonet: “Today’s conference is very important to show the potential that the Phyotonet company has in connecting domestic expertise and formulating globally successful final products on the one hand, and on the other hand, the functioning of our company as a bridge that connects global innovations with locally sustainable products. Our development team consists of 10 very expert people, formulators, and they are our important link in our daily work and formulating products for our customers that are very successful on the market.”

O HiRaDophilus soy, balkanskom probiotic

HiRaDofilus is a new preparation based on the original autochthonous probiotic culture based on natural isolates of lactic acid bacteria from the laboratory collection of the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering. The new product consists of 3 carefully selected strains of bacteria that are characterized as potent probiotics and as such represent an alternative to the use of antibiotics in the treatment of intestinal infections in humans. This results in an improvement of the health condition of the gastro-intestinal tract without disturbing the intestinal microbiome. The probiotic has a high probiotic potential and a specific scope of action on various intestinal pathogens.


About the company Phytonet

Phytonet AG, based in Zurich, Switzerland, was founded in 2009. Since its foundation, Phytonet has been dedicated to improving the health of the population through the placement and development of its own “smart ingredients” that fall into the category of nutraceuticals (food supplements with health benefits). By developing “smart ingredients”, known for their clinical effectiveness, patents or approved health claims, Phytonet produces innovative pharmaceutical solutions and markets them worldwide – from Belgrade to Istanbul, Singapore, Manila, Seoul and many other countries.

The company operates through two main divisions: the “Smart” Ingredients Division, which develops and distributes ingredients aimed at improving health, and the Pharmaceutical Solutions Division, which develops and manufactures finished pharmaceutical products. Phytonet is strategically oriented towards innovative pharmaceutical solutions in the segment of probiotics and the immune system, then solutions for strengthening the bone structure, as well as towards women’s reproductive health.

Phytonet in Serbia cooperates intensively with the Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering of Serbia (IMGGI) and the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” (IBISS). These partnerships have led to significant projects, including the development of the first Balkan probiotics, created from indigenous bacterial strains, as well as the development of products for the treatment of Candida in the oral cavity.

The company’s mission is to contribute to the creation of innovative solutions that have a global impact with a strong commitment to local scientific expertise, thus strengthening the scientific competitiveness of the Republic of Serbia. More information at

Source: BIZLife

Photo: Phytonet
