It deeply affects your mental health: 7 signs that show you are being manipulated – Last Minute Life News

A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect, love and understanding. However, in some relationships, one party may try to manipulate and control the other. Manipulation is a form of behavior in which your partner tries to manipulate you in dishonest, covert or indirect ways. This situation can shake your self-confidence and disrupt the balance of the relationship. Alright, How can you understand this situation that deeply affects your mental health? At work, 7 signs that you are being manipulated…


1. Creating feelings of guilt

A manipulative partner will often try to get you to agree to their wishes by trying to make you feel guilty. A partner who makes you feel at fault and puts the blame on you in every argument may be using this emotional manipulation technique.

How to understand?

If your partner frequently accuses you with statements such as “If you don’t do this, it means you don’t love me” or “This wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for you,” this may be a sign of manipulation.

2. Gaslighting effect

Gaslighting is one of the most common and dangerous forms of manipulation. Your partner constantly makes you doubt your perception of reality and question your mental health. This is a deliberate tactic to keep you under control.

How to understand?

If your partner constantly makes you question reality with statements like “You’re exaggerating,” “You’re remembering wrong,” or “I never said anything like that,” this could be a sign of gaslighting.

3. Staying silent or acting indifferent (Silence game)

A manipulative partner may keep quiet or ignore you completely to punish you when you don’t comply with their wishes. This behavior forces you to behave the way he wants.

How to understand?

If your partner doesn’t talk to you for days after an argument or disagreement, or isolates you emotionally, this may be another indicator of manipulation.

4. Extreme jealousy and controlling

Jealousy may occur from time to time in a relationship; However, excessive jealousy may be a sign that your partner is trying to control you. A partner who constantly questions you and restricts you from spending time with your friends or family may be trying to isolate you by manipulating you.

How to understand?

If your partner constantly controls where you go, who you spend time with, and restricts your social circle, this may be a sign of manipulative behavior.

5. Manipulative praise and excessive criticism

Your partner’s praise can become a tool of manipulation when used to control you. First, he makes you feel good by praising you excessively, and then he humiliates you with criticism. This behavior aims to shake your self-confidence and make you dependent on him.

How to understand?

If your partner tells you “You’re amazing, no one is like you” one day and “You’re doing everything wrong” the next day, this could be a manipulative tactic.

6. Threats and ultimatums

A manipulative partner tries to get you to do what they want by threatening you or giving you ultimatums. He puts pressure on you by threatening to lose you, end the relationship, or harm you. This is a very serious method of manipulation used to keep you under control.

How to understand?

If your partner makes threats such as “If you don’t do this, I’ll leave you” or “If you don’t listen to me, we’ll end up together”, this is a clear sign of manipulation.

7. Don’t ignore your needs

A manipulative partner prioritizes his or her own wants while ignoring your emotional or physical needs. He always acts as if his own desires are more important and belittles your needs.

How to understand?

If your partner consistently ignores your wishes or emotional needs and focuses solely on his or her own wants, this may be an indication of manipulative behavior.
