”It has been a response to what Israel has done”

He supreme leader of iran He appeared this Friday morning with a rifle in his hand and proclaimed threats of revenge. He took advantage of a collective prayer to call for ”Islamic unity” against Israel and assured that attacking Israelis is “the least of punishments.”

To learn more about what happened, ‘Everything is a lie’ has connected live with Ryma Sheermohammadi, Iranian activist who is aware of everything that is happening with the war in the Middle East, which is getting worse and has more consequences.

Ryma explained that it is ”peculiar” that the Iranian leader spoke in Persian and Arabic and has spoken about the speech : ”He made no reference to the Iranians. Those of us who are immersed in a deep economic crisis and with serious problems at all social and political levels are the Iranians and we are the ones absent from that discourse.”

Furthermore, he has summarized his speech in three points: ”On the one hand, repeat that propaganda message from the Islamic Republic of Iran that we are going to annihilate Israel, that we all have a common enemy and that we are going to go after him. Calling for Muslim countries to unite, he referred to specific countries to unite against this common enemy.”

”The idea was to reassure the groups that Iran is with them. With everything that has happened, among the ranks of Hezbollah and Hamas it was said that ‘Iran has abandoned us, they are disloyal…’ It was a message of hope to these groups,” he adds.

On the other hand, he has spoken about whether Iran will enter in direct war with Israel: ”The messages have been very moderate, so much so that they said that we do not want war, that what Iran has done so far, taking into account the number of missiles they fired at Israel, has been a response to what Israel has done. ”.

And he has emphasized that The conflict is going to be very big: ”I don’t know what’s going to happen, but surely for the anniversary there will be something, most likely.”

Source: www.cuatro.com