It is important to be different and not play by templates (PHOTO)

The host couple Ana Šupić and Filip Ugrenović on Mondays and Tuesdays, and on Wednesdays together with Milijana Mićunović and Dušan Ivković, guide you through “Popodne” on TV Una, and present current topics, often opposed from the male and female point of view. Their discussions are accompanied by interesting contributions, surveys and mutual short games.

– We are quite different from the “Afternoon” that viewers are used to. Changes are always good, and ours is great! Filip brought a bit of male energy that was missing, because until now our show was done by a female team. We got along great and we’re having great fun during the preparation of the new concept, so I believe that there will be no shortage of fun in the show either – points out Ana at the beginning of the interview for “TV Novosti”, and Filip adds that it was not difficult for him to join the well-coordinated team.

– The dynamics of the show are very intense. We always have special segments specially created for that specific day, without any everyday template and forced sections. We deal with topics that are all around us and we think about them every day, but in a way that, I’m sure, no one in Serbia has done before in daily television formats.

Photo: A TV

*We watch you every weekday on TV Una. So what makes a good “Afternoon”?

AND: “Afternoon” consists of thorough preparation, research into what topics our fellow citizens are interested in, phenomenal energy, dynamics that we have not seen in programs from our area, coffee and great guests. That’s more than enough to keep viewers glued to their screens every weekday from 5 to 6 p.m.

FILIP: It is a package that includes coffee, friends, laughter, interesting information and useful information. In that package there is no place for stress, tension, bad news and additional fatigue of a man who is already tired from his working day. It’s actually one good afternoon in life, we just wanted to show such an afternoon on television.

*Besides you, Toza is with you as another member of the show. How much does he help the team and is he helpful as an artificial intelligence?

AND: Toza is great, you can use artificial intelligence in everyday life, and only in our show it can help a lot with some data, it all depends on what you are looking for from artificial intelligence, and I think Toza’s potential will only be seen in some future shows. We often ask Toza for a humorous presentation of a topic, and so far he is doing great with Filip’s humorous assignments.

FILIP: Artificial intelligence is certainly the future of human everyday life. It helps us, just like Siri helps on the phone or once that paperclip in Microsoft Word, even more than that. The biggest fear I had before the first show was precisely how two people would fit in with one artificial man, and we fit in perfectly.

*What is the most memorable for you, who or what left the strongest impression on you in the show?

AND: Impressions change, but the main thing is definitely the energy that reigns among us in the team and how we transfer that same energy to the guests, who leave our studio smiling with the message that they can’t wait to come again.

FILIP: Ana Supic. If I wanted to choose the character of the host with whom I will be in the studio in every show, I could not have chosen better. It’s simply incredible to me that since the first show, we have never interrupted each other, that we have never had a disagreement, that we know how to react to a “click” without preparing for the other’s forum or information. Especially since we haven’t even known each other for more than a month.

*We watched you in different TV formats. What are you most “your own” in?

AND: I am myself when I feel good in the format I work in, and I can say that I was very lucky, because everything I did, I did with pleasure with real professionals. When the environment is like that, it’s easy for me to “swim” through different formats.

*Viewers follow you in the stand-up show “Reci 8” on First Television. Are such TV contents missing in our media heaven?

FILIP: We have two hundred TV channels, I would say that we lack at least one hundred and ninety-nine such shows. A “comedy” show, and especially a stand-up show, is very difficult to realize in a small market, which we certainly are. That’s why I’m very glad that I’ve been a part of that project for two years. The project is now more mature and has progressed compared to the first season, so I can’t wait for the third one. (laughter)

Photo: A TV

*How do you achieve everything you do and do you ever run out of inspiration?

AND: Inspiration never runs out, because everything that surrounds us can be a theme, it just depends on how you look at everyday life. By listening to the people you meet you can build a serious lager of topics.

FILIP: Inspiration is not there every day. There are days, sometimes even weeks, when I can’t do anything. Then there are days when I can’t stop. I figured it out somewhere in time, so I learned to organize myself.

*How and with what to stand out from the crowd of TV personalities?

AND: There are a certain number of people who stand out both in the media and on social networks, but in the wrong way. I am that “old school” person who believes that no compromises should be made in relation to twisted trends, I will always be the one who appreciates people who stand out for their professionalism, good manners, culture of expression, the trust they build with viewers, their relationship to the topic and guests .

*Did you always know this was the path you wanted to take?

AND: I didn’t even dream. I wandered around during my education and thought it was too early to decide on a life calling at the age of 18 or 19. That’s how I changed colleges and I didn’t even get an education for what I do today, but as an economist who worked in marketing, I worked on television. I thank God that I did, because I doubt that any other job would fulfill and motivate me like this.

FILIP: Absolutely not. Moreover, even now at the age of 36, I am not sure that I am on the right path, but I am sure that I am enjoying the ride.

*What are your tips for young people who want to enter the world of journalism, i.e. stand-up – and break into the public scene?

AND: To listen well to themselves, most of our work refers to what is not seen, i.e. to work “behind the camera” and all the necessary preparations. This job is far from how little Perica imagines leadership. If you are interested in popularity, painting and the like, you are not in the right place. This is not our job, but if researching topics down to the smallest detail is not unknown to you and if your adrenaline jumps at the thought of the speed of the flow of information today, then get ready for a lifetime of improvement, reading and learning, and good luck.

FILIP: I actually have two pieces of advice. The first is to always be aware that everyone has their own path. And that perhaps some missed opportunities should be seen as something that opened up other opportunities. I didn’t understand this as a kid, and when I became aware of it, everything went much easier. And, importantly, don’t play by patterns. Look up to those who are more experienced and better, but if you try to be like them – you will never get anything done. Our country already had Minimax and Banet Vukašinović, now it has Marija Kilibarda, Voja Nedeljković, Ana Šupić, of course. We don’t need their copies, the world always needs new energy. So be different. You may not be immediately accepted or loved, but you will certainly be noticed. This is the first and most difficult step you have to take in this business.

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