It is important to preserve the memory of the liberators of Belgrade and our ancestors

MINISTER without portfolio for international economic cooperation and the area of ​​the social position of the church in the country and abroad, Nenad Popović, met with the deputy president of the Council of the Federation of Russia, Konstantin Kosačova, and on that occasion emphasized that it is important to preserve the memory of our ancestors who fought for freedom in the Second World War. and to be worthy of them.

After the meeting with Kosačova, Popović said that he was happy that the Russian delegation had come on the occasion of the big holiday.

– We are together today, as our ancestors fought together. The Red Army, together with the Serbian army, liberated Belgrade, liberated the whole of Serbia. Thousands and thousands of soldiers of the Russian Red Army are buried here and we must preserve the memories of our ancestors, who defeated the greatest scourge of the 20th century, Nazi Germany, said the minister.

He added that they were together then in that great fight and victory and that they will be together now on Sunday at the anniversary celebration.

– I am sure that we will always be together for such commemorative holidays and that we will be worthy of our ancestors, added Popović.

The Deputy President of the Council of the Federation of Russia Konstantin Kosachev expressed his satisfaction that he will attend the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade and emphasized that he understands how important it is for the Serbian people.

– We consider that holiday as our joint holiday, because Belgrade was liberated by the fighters of your country, as well as the Red Army. We fought side by side, all our ancestors were together in it with the same idea, which is the victory of the most terrible evil in the history of mankind. We owe that victory to our ancestors, who we can be proud of. It is a victory that no one can take away from us. That is why we will all be together on Sunday, October 20, he said.

He pointed out that it is important to preserve the memory of this date and that it is one of the most important things that connects the Russian and Serbian people.

“Our peoples are close, we are friendly countries regardless of all the upheavals and temptations of today’s times,” he added.



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