It is not the medal, nor the color that makes you an Olympic hero

Monday, August 12, 2024 09:54

All in all, we can’t complain about the medal crop of the Paris Olympics, there were great performances and world-famous results, but before we raise our heroes to the shield in the coming weeks, let’s remember those who are no less heroes than the podium finishers, but missed the medal by a breath.

Thirteen times, the Hungarian team won more medals at the Olympics than the Hungarian crop in Paris, and the Games, which ended with six gold, seven silver and six bronze medals, place them in the middle of the glorious Olympic history of the Hungarian sport. The performance of the Hungarians can also be said to be excellent, it brought cathartic successes and shocking defeats, the trip to Paris was a real emotional rollercoaster.

In the coming weeks, the MOL Team will recall many great moments with the involvement of those involved (we have already started the evaluation with Geri Siklósi, Petra Vámos, Chema Rodriguez and Marci Fucsovics), and since our team members include competitors on both sides of the roller coaster, the we can relive all kinds of emotions through the eyes of athletes.

The Olympic medal is about supremacy

It became a pejorative adjective “Olympic focus”even though it is no more than a simple statement of fact that the Olympics are the most important event of all sports, with the exception of football and American major sports. This is how athletes, sports managers and fans handle it. At the same time, it is very unhealthy if a part of the public judges athletes based solely on whether they have an Olympic medal.

They don’t have a medal, but the women’s handball players fought like lions for it (Photo: MKSZ/Anikó Kovács)

After winning the third Olympic title, Katinka Hosszú declared that the sixth placer puts as much work into the sixth place as the champion puts into his own. The cream of every sport is represented here, the greatest classics, who have been preparing for this competition for four years. Not only is there no easy victory here, but there are little things that decide the cream of the elite field, which an ordinary person does not even understand.

There is no doubt, there is no sports trophy more precious than the Olympic medal. In simpler terms: whoever has it is a sports hero. Period.

The trouble begins when we consider only the medal winners as sports heroes, since Hungarian sports history is full of world class players who never stood on the Olympic podium. It is an interesting statistic that although this Olympics was excellent with its nineteen medals, it could have been extra if we had a bit more luck.

About the difference between 3rd and 4th place

The Olympics began as a duelist Eszti Muhari in a dazzling ace, she defeated the Estonian Nelli Diefert 15-14 in the bronze match and won the Hungarians’ first medal. The excellent start was not followed by a similar continuation, starting with the minor final of the great bronze medalist fencer, the Hungarian athletes in a similar situation not only failed to make it to the final, but ended without a medal. Although not everyone.

A wonderful bronze to begin with (MOB-Média/Péter Szalmás)

Major Veronika he also won a shootout during his march to bronze among the sport pistols, Pupp Noémi and Sara Fojt together, later Csipes with Tamara and Gazsó with Dóra Alida in addition, he also won a bronze medal in a big battle in the foursome. However, many were competing for the gold in vain, but ended up without a medal.

The Duelist Tibi Andrásfi started, who lost both the semi-final and the bronze medal match by the smallest possible margin, with a gold medal (then the team was severely criticized by the former supporter of the MOL Foundation). But the foundation’s two other former contestants, Vas Kata Blanka he was roughly one and a half centimeters off the podium among road cyclists, Nándi Németh and he reached the wall one artificial nail later than the 100 fast bronze medalist.

David Losonczi the wrestler lost the bronze medal and immediately fell to fifth place, then the last two Hungarian semi-finalists of the Paris Olympics, the wrestler Muskoka Cave Ismail and the men’s polo team neither could improve the statistics, neither the final nor the bronze medal was won by any of them.

There are few things more heartbreaking than this, and not because the fans would rather look at the medal plaque. Not even because if only half of the above nuances were decided in our favor, the Paris one would have been among the ten most successful Olympics of all time in terms of the number of medals. But because

It doesn’t really hurt us!

Among our fourth place finishers – where, by the way, there are those who are very satisfied with this bravura position, for example the excellent sailor Benjamin Vadnai (oops, another MOL foundation member), or the also excellent competitor Valter Attila, and even the last Hungarian medal winner Guzi Blanka directly that’s how he put it: Anna Olasz was on my mind, she gave me a lot of strength that a fourth place can indeed be a happy fourth place – there are those from whom we were hoping for a medal, but before we insult anyone in our disappointment, let’s imagine that they were also hoping for a medal!

We cry with you, Alda! (Photo:

There is nothing sadder now than the polo players, who obviously wanted more than anything to say goodbye with an Olympic medal From Dénes Varga. The team that won the cathartic world championship just a year ago has not become a worse team, it deserves our love and even our trust, because the generational change awaits young people with incredible potential ready to jump.

In such moments, it means a lot to the athletes if they feel that the fans are not just simple pushers, but are also behind them in difficult moments. Let’s be there!
