“It is the inheritance of your history as a kingdom”

The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who in the past has vehemently criticized the regional financing system of Navarra, defended this Thursday at a PP event in Pamplona that the regional regime is “a legacy” of the history of the regional community “as a kingdom”. “I already know the nationalists,” he added.

Ayuso has thus qualified his position on Navarra, which in the past has cost him criticism from institutions such as the Government of Navarra or former PP partners such as UPN. However, he has assured that Navarra is a “deeply Spanish land” that was “incorporated” into the Spanish monarchy in 1512, suggesting that it was actually a conquest.

He has also criticized those who “invent Navarra’s past” to “remote” the regional community to “a Basque franchise.” For many years we have been living under blackmail, they want us to choose, either Navarrese or Spaniards, or Catalans or Spaniards, that we create identities that separate and isolate us,” he noted.

The president of the Community of Madrid took advantage of her intervention at the event, in which she was supported by its president, Javier García, and other party officials in Navarra such as deputies Sergio Sayas and Carlos García Adanero, to praise the model of “freedom” of Madrid as a counterpoint to the “totalitarian drift” that in his opinion represents the Government of the socialist María Chivite in the regional community.

He has criticized the Navarrese president and general secretary of the socialists in the regional community for “having handed over (EH) Bildu Pamplona.” “Is there any greater betrayal? Do you remember the ‘I will not make an agreement with (EH) Bildu, I would not sleep with Podemos in the Government, the amnesty is a constitutional outrage or I will bring Puigdemont to justice?’”, he joked.

Source: www.eldiario.es