It turned out that you need to eat to improve bowel function without pills

Endocrinologist Lebedeva listed foods for a healthy intestine

The main “helpers” for good digestion have been named.

Endocrinologist Dilyara Lebeleva told us what products will help maintain intestinal health without pills.

The doctor recalled that the condition of the intestines affects not only digestion, but also the skin, energy levels and immunity. That’s why it’s important to keep your gut healthy, she says. In this regard, the specialist called for including several affordable foods in the diet.

The list of intestinal “helpers” includes buckwheat, sauerkraut, fermented milk, olive oil, oatmeal, fatty fish, bananas and green tea.

Lebedeva explained in her Telegram channel that yogurt and kefir are excellent sources of probiotics, which help maintain healthy intestinal microflora. Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and cucumbers also produce probiotics and have excellent antioxidant properties, the expert pointed out.

Buckwheat’s soluble and insoluble fiber helps regulate bowel function, while olive oil improves digestive health thanks to its saturated fat.

The endocrinologist called bananas a storehouse of fiber that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. In turn, oatmeal improves intestinal motility due to the fiber it contains, and fatty fish is beneficial due to vitamins and omega-3. Finally, green tea helps fight harmful bacteria in the intestines, Lebedeva added.

Previously, a nutritionist spoke about breakfast, which will ease a hangover.

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