“It will depend on what you are willing to pay”

The national leadership of the PP does not rule out that the Government of Pedro Sánchez can carry out General State Budgets (PGE) and believes that everything will depend “on what the Chief Executive is willing to pay” his partners.

This is what the Deputy Secretary of Equality, Conciliation and Social Policy, Ana Alós, expressed when asked about that confession that the Deputy Secretary of Autonomous and Local Coordination of the PP, Elías Bendodo, made behind closed doors. However, An open microphone has made it possible to know the content of that internal conversation with PP officials.

“It is very possible that there will be Budgets”Bendodo admitted during that intervention in the Senate behind closed doors, although it was issued by the internal signal of the Senate, something that the PP attributes to an internal error of the Upper House.

When expressly asked about those words from Bendodo and if the PP leadership believes that Sánchez is going to manage to carry out public accounts, Alós has admitted that “it is a possibility” that is on the table.

“Everything will depend on what Pedro Sánchez is willing to pay. And it is clear that his partners, the weaker they see Sánchez and now, precisely, cornered by corruption, the more so, the higher and more price they are going to ask for for their support of the budgets,” he emphasized.

“We have never said that there will not be a PGE”

Regarding whether Sánchez is willing to pay that price or not, the PP leader has indicated that her party has “few doubts” because “until now it has paid everything, no matter how hard what it had to pay was.”

In similar terms they have expressed sources from Feijóo’s team ensuring that the PGE if they come out, “they will be expensive” because Sánchez’s partners know his “weakness” and have raised the “price” they are going to charge.

“We have never said that there will not be Budgets”the same sources have pointed out, adding that if there are public accounts it will be “bad news because the price to pay will be crazy” due to the “precarious” situation of Pedro Sánchez.

Regarding a possible motion of censure to evict Sánchez from La Moncloa, the deputy secretary of the PP has recognized that the PP, “today, we do not have the votes to change” the Government and does not want to “pose future possibilities”, but has highlighted that their “obligation is to denounce that Spain does not deserve the president” they have.

According to Ana Alós, “never has a Government been so cornered by corruption”. “Everything will end up being known and time will put things in their place. There is a lot of information left to come out of the more than 170 devices that the UCO has seized from the ringleaders of the plot. Even though almost eight months have passed since the seizure Of all the material, almost everything remains to be known about a scandal that sooner or later will have consequences,” he warned.

For all these reasons, the leader of the PP has stated that the Sánchez Government “has no other option than to call general elections or for the president to resign and leave the position to which he is tied.”

Source: www.vozpopuli.com