ITA BiH provides 5.9 million KM for vehicle rental

24.09.2024. / 16:34

BANJALUKA – The Administration for Indirect Taxation of Bosnia and Herzegovina plans to spend 5.9 million KM to rent 95 vehicles for the needs of this institution’s work.

PHOTO: Pixabay

In order to implement this plan, a tender was announced, which foresees the rental of vehicles of different values ​​from 50,000 KM to 150,000 KM, which are divided into seven LOTs.

With this tender, it is planned that the vehicles will be rented for a period of four years, for which the ITA of BiH is preparing to annually allocate 1.2 million KM without VAT or 5,043,900 without VAT for four years, or 5.9 million KM with associated taxes.

One of the conditions in the tender documentation is that the vehicles must be new and unused with a minimum warranty of four years on the engine and paint, and 10 years on the body.

Bidders can submit an offer from all LOTs or for those they are interested in, and a separate contract will be awarded for each LOT.

The deadline for submitting offers is November 11, and the criterion for awarding the contract is the most economically advantageous offer.


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