On a day when annoying coincidences or, simply, bad luck were chained to him, Andrei Leonte he used to victimize himself and dramatize those moments. As if someone had sabotaged it. He began to change this in 2024, when he stopped seeing a pattern in these kinds of events and became more grounded in reality.
He doesn’t think he’ll remember 2024 as an important year now, but maybe time will someday put this year in a different light for him. By the end of it, he knows he’s done his job as well as he can, pared down his grueling to-do list with a resignation, been on relaxing vacations with his girlfriend, Laura, and still together and- have established a daily exercise routine.
“Looks like ‘disconnect’ is the word of 2024 for me. As an artist, as an entrepreneur, as a freelance producer, I know that the ringing phone is my best friend, but if in the past I was tempted to say “yes” to everything, at any time, now I find myself forced to choose”, says Andrei.
Andrei Leonte tells honestly about life as it was in 2024, including difficult moments where he was vulnerable.
A replica for the year 2024
“All work and no play makes Mădălin a dull boy!” Only now do I realize that that line can also be seen in an optimistic light, though. I mean, it seems that it also comes with an awareness of a problem, right? And this is the first step to healing! I’ll let myself out! :)))
Thoughts and intentions you entered this year with
In January, I clearly didn’t say “new year, new me” nor that it would necessarily be great, yes, I had some hopes that that new beginning could mean something good. Maybe I should get rid of it for the 2025 transition.
It’s as if we’ve gotten used to hoping in front of the new stages in the calendar that something will change for the better out of the blue and possibly that we’ll be cooler too. I don’t know, at least it hasn’t worked that way for me for 35 years.
what have you lost what have you won
I turned to a resignation when I no longer saw the light. :)) That doesn’t mean that the job was the source of all the problems, but I crossed things off the to do list and that helped me get to port more easily.
The major victory here was that I was able to convince myself that I can’t do a million things at the same time, and that just because I let go of a few things doesn’t mean I’ve failed.
Major projects
You know that “What do you do for a living? I’m doing my f**** best!” meme? Eh, that’s how I feel this year has been. I did my job as well as I could day in and day out, but if I draw the line, I can’t say I had peaks. I mean, I don’t think I’ll remember 2024 as an important year professionally. But, who knows maybe time will put in a different light things that I now see as failures or modest achievements.
The most beautiful vacation
A few years ago I was saying in an interview, I think it’s also you, that I don’t understand vacations where you go just to lie on a beach, without visiting much. NOW I GET IT! And I apologize along the way to the smart people who figured it out sooner for my cheeky comment back then.
Reaching this new level of wisdom, in the summer we went to Antalya and, except for one day trip, we basically sat on the beach and read, talked and watched the waves. And at Love Island. Ok, I also worked, but only a little. :)) But much less than in other holidays. We even managed to go to the beach without a phone on some days, so that we scroll less on social media and don’t feel obligated to post stories.
The trends that pissed you off the most
Do you remember when a lot of people voted for a nene who said stupid things on the internet? And then some of them (I hope as few as possible) would still have voted for him even though a lot of evidence had appeared in the meantime that it would be a very dangerous choice? I would like this trend to disappear. But I don’t know what to say.
New good habits and routines
Almost all year we tried to stick to a “100 days challenge” with 100 abs, 100 upper-body exercises and 100 leg exercises. We didn’t manage to pass 35 linked days, as the idea would be to do them without a break, but out of 365 days, I would say that we ticked about 250. We do the exercises in the morning before anything else. You can see the results and not much, but it’s one of those things that, in the end, certainly doesn’t hurt.
The hardest day of the year
You know what the thing is… I’m embarrassed to answer this question honestly because now I realize that I hit my head against the walls because of things that of course were not life and death. But at the moment, with no resources left, that’s exactly what they looked like. I was during some filming that was interspersed with some singing, I had reached a terrible degree of exhaustion, and at one point, while I was on stage, I had a panic attack. I was about minute 5 of 45, I couldn’t stop the singing, so I dragged myself to the end as best I could. I sang almost entirely out of reflex because in my mind I was on survival mode. My colleagues told me that it was not noticed that I had problems, but it was very bad.
The happiest time
4 days in London with Laura. I think those were the most successful days this year. Maybe we were also in the right mood, maybe, going in February we were still not broken and then we could enjoy ourselves better, I have no idea. It was clearly a magical trip.
The most beautiful news
There were also good titles this year, but somehow I feel that the strange and/or negative ones kind of set the tone and I swear it’s hard to put my finger on good news.
The world now
After seeing so many people in the last weeks saying “better with the Russians / Legionnaires than with…” I am much more worried. It doesn’t even matter how they finish the sentence because there is nothing to balance so that we arrive at a healthy way of seeing things. I knew there were figures like Georgescu, but I didn’t think there were (so many) people who would want such a figure at the head of the country.
Where do you get your optimism from?
From the few moments of disconnection from home. Looks like “disconnect” is the word of 2024 for me. As an artist, as an entrepreneur, as a freelance producer, I know that the ringing phone is my best friend, but if in the past I was tempted to say “yes” to everything, at any time, now I find myself forced to choose. At least enough to stop getting up from the table because the client is calling me. And how to stop working at night so often. These two somehow stuck out to me in 2024. I guess that’s something.
The most important lessons of 2024
You know those days when the fixed subway leaves when you enter the station and your shoelace gets untied when you try to run after it and you drop your phone and it takes you and your boss when you get to work because they actually didn’t keep those changes you made the day before in the presentation and you spill coffee on yourself while you try to order food for lunch, the order they will get wrong and then you find out that you can’t go on vacation when you planned because your colleague took time off at the same time and you end up missing the subway again on your way home?
Eah, on days like this I find it very tempting to feel that the Universe or God has something with me. And I take them personally and add them up, already feeling by the middle of the day that I have faced not three small things, but a sustained effort to sabotage myself – which is obviously much more upsetting.
It’s probably out of a desire to victimize me, I still don’t know. In any case, lately I have tried to give up seeing a pattern in these unfortunate coincidences, and to give them meaning. I dropped my phone because I wasn’t paying attention, not because there’s some cosmic plot to ruin my day.
Fears for 2025
Sincere? That I will repeat the same mistakes. Not necessarily that I would like to do some new tricks, but at least it’s like I have an excuse in front of some challenges that I haven’t encountered before.
One thing that I would definitely like not to repeat in 2025 is losing my passport for two months. :)))
Other plans for 2025?
As I said at the beginning, I wouldn’t really want to hang plans on this formality of the passing of the year. I mean, it’s nice to wish each other “a better year”, but, at least at this point, I find it more useful to see New Year’s as another day off and then it’s business as usual. 🙂
Source: www.iqads.ro