it’s not for now!

Although ZFE radars are slowly arriving, they should not be issuing fines any time soon. Good news for drivers!

Since their creation, ZFEs have continued to create controversy and be talked about throughout France.

ZFE radars soon?

The latter, whose name is actually the acronym of low emission zoneshave been introduced in several major French cities. They are in fact aimed at limiting the circulation of the most polluting vehicles, as part of the fight against global warming and to improve air quality. The ZFE thus impose traffic restrictions based on the Crit’Air stickers, awarded to vehicles according to their pollution level. However, this measure, while beneficial for the environment, is far from unanimous among motorists, particularly those with old vehicles that will soon be banned from circulation. And while radars responsible for monitoring compliance with these zones will soon be installed, they are not expected to fine offenders any time soon. Indeed, the latter are currently experiencing technical difficulties that are delaying their deployment. Enough to delight the motorists targeted by this measure.

No verbalizations right away

And for good reason, initially planned for a commissioning in 2024these devices will not be operational until 2027. The delay in the installation of ZFE radars is linked to technical problems that have not yet been resolved. The former Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, had announced a few months ago that these radars would be deployed “by October 2026”. However, this deadline has been pushed back once again, and the effective date of commissioning is now set for the following year. Despite this postponement, educational devices will still be set up by the end of the year, particularly in Saint-Étienne. These radars will be installed on an experimental basis and will not give rise to any fines at first. The aim is to ensure a full-scale test phase to allow their operation to be refined and to avoid malfunctions, such as detection errors or unjustified fines, among others.

This test period will therefore be used to perfect these new radars before their generalization in other French cities.
