“It’s time for PSD to stop abusing state resources”

Today I witnessed another demonstration of Marcel Ciolacu brand hypocrisy with RAAPPS used as a political tool of the PSD.

Although he has and always had the power as party leader and prime minister, to declassify RA-APPS expenses, through the Secretary General of the Government, today the deputy prime minister who reports to RA-APPS – Marian Neacșu, Ciolacu preferred to declassify now only one objective from the administration of the State Protocol Directorate.

Obviously, only for electoral purposes and using the institution in the campaign. I ask him to be totally transparent, starting with the amounts allocated for the renovation of his protocol villa and the other beneficiaries in the Government.

I chose to live at home, in Balotești, without the luxury of state villas and when I was Chief of the Defense Staff, Minister, Prime Minister or President of the Senate.

Instead, Marcel Ciolacu has lived in protocol villas since the Tudose Government, although the press says he owns an apartment in Bucharest.

Another proof of hypocrisy. To accuse others of inclination towards luxury but you to constantly seek it. But if Marcel Ciolacu wanted to fight with President Iohannis, he could run in 2014 or 2019. I am not President Iohannis!

People deserve to know how their money is being used for such privileges. It’s time for the PSD to stop abusing state resources.

But it is good that the topic of RA-APPS has been brought to the attention of the public.

I propose a few things to Marcel Ciolacu and I also have a question for him:

1. RA-APPS should be restructured and reorganized and keep ONLY the obligations related to ensuring diplomatic missions and activities of national interest and should NOT be a luxury sanatorium for small or large dignitaries.

2. Is it true that after 2016, the state spent 6 million euros on works and renovations for the home you are using now, as revealed by a journalist?

On another note, I think it’s time to return to the important topics for Romanians: people’s problems, the country’s economy, security, the safety of tomorrow, our position in the EU, demography and the relationship with the state.

Source: www.cotidianul.ro