Jaanus Karilaid: the wonderful traveling theater of the socialists – broken promises and forgetting the poor

Riigikogu member Jaanus Karilaid (Isamaa). Photo by Malle-Liisa Raigla

Vladimir Svet, who left Mihhail Kõvart’s team for Sotsi, also promises us the Haapsalu railway. We are happy, but in fact all parties elected to the National Assembly have promised this.

Real life is different from Sveti’s sudden revelatory discovery of how the construction of the railway contributes greatly to our regional development (whoa Sherlock!), on the contrary, money was found and the construction of the Haapsalu railway up to Turba station became a reality during the Jüri Ratas government, where Kadri Simson was the Minister of Economy and he gave as much support as his successor Taavi Aas got at the moment. These are the facts.

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Source: online.le.ee