Jail sentences for couple who admitted exploiting prostitutes and growing and selling weed


8. 10. 2024, 10.29

Updated: October 8, 2024, 10:29 a.m

The Ljubljana District Court sentenced three co-defendants from an alleged organized criminal group for the abuse of prostitution and the unjustified production and trafficking of illicit drugs, who accepted the accusations of the prosecution. The first defendant, Mladen Bilić, has not yet pleaded guilty, and his lawyer has been fined.

Judge Lucky Škerbec pronounced the sentence on Monday Edin Sakić and his extramarital partner Draženki Catwho at the preliminary hearing last week admitted their involvement in the exploitation of prostitutes, and they were also involved in drug cultivation and trafficking. Both signed a plea agreement with the prosecution.

Mačak was sentenced to two years and three months in prison for exploiting prostitution, and Sakić to one year and ten months. Because they grew cannabis, and because Sakić was caught selling 99 grams of cocaine and almost two kilograms of cannabis, and illegal weapons were also confiscated from his home, the final sentence is even higher. Macak was sentenced to two years and five months in prison, while Sakić was sentenced to three years and seven months, reports Dnevnik.

In the trafficking of illegal drugs, she allegedly cooperated with Suljo Čeretiwho also pleaded guilty last week. He got two years in prison. The trio will serve their sentence, which includes detention and then house arrest since December last year, in a semi-open section of the prison.

The first accused Bilićwho has been detained in the prison in Mursko Sobo since December last year, participated in the hearing via video conference, but Škerbec could not ask him whether he accepted the prosecutor’s accusations about the abuse of prostitution or not, as his lawyer was not there Janko Jerman. Škerbec postponed the hearing until next week and fined Jerman one thousand euros for Monday’s absence and one thousand euros for not attending the hearing, which was canceled already in September. The judge is convinced that it is a delaying maneuver by the defense.

Last December, the Ljubljana police charged 27 members of a criminal group with 113 acts in the field of organized crime. The group was involved in human trafficking, prostitution, organized transportation of foreigners across the border and trafficking in illegal drugs, they stated. Criminalists began the investigation at the end of 2021, when they received reports from two victims of human trafficking who were being exploited for the purposes of prostitution.

Source: svet24.si