Jasna Kuljaj in a new show on Veseljak


30. 9. 2024, 08.57

Updated: 30 September 2024, 09.06

In the second show Z Jasna i glasno! Jasni was accompanied by Fehtarji group member Blaž Jenkole and the leading couple from Veseljak, Eva Šolinc and Tomaž Rot. Since the first show went by way too quickly, the show will be longer from now on, so Friday’s music-commentary party is guaranteed for a whole hour between 8pm and 9pm.

First, they commented and rated the Tomaž Rot Ensemble’s song Pridi v zidan’ca. They even noticed the unusual detail that Tomasz in the video he sees that he was at the sea and was wearing sunglasses. That’s why it’s white around the eyes. Tomaž had to defend himself before Clear also because they keep eating and drinking in the video. The video was also evaluated by a musical guest Blaž Jenkole in Eva Šolinc. Eva rated the song with the highest score, because whenever she hears it, she always wants to go to the zida’nca and drink some wine, even though she doesn’t drink.

They also rated the music video for the song Podeželski rock n roll. They focused on the beauty in the spot and the suggestive “hum” on the tractor. They also talked about the new fashion of footwear, the “dachshunds”, which was started by the Fehtars, and now the fashion is spreading at parties and weddings in Slovenia.

Jaka Zorman

Blaž Švab praised Jak Šinkovac and Firbce, and Jak Modrijan and Blaž.

They also chose the newest song for playback and evaluation Spele Grošelj Tumbuta. They “stumbled” on her red hair, tanned ass in the spot and Špelin’s raised midsection. Even Špela’s former partner Greg was spotted in the spot. And this step praised.

You could say that Jasna’s new show, in which they comment and evaluate new songs on the Slovenian music scene, is a bit of a joke, a bit of a joke. A fun show that goes by quickly even though it was extended to an hour.

The guests in the next show, this Friday at 8 p.m., will be Veseljak’s host Buckwheat Mlakar in Lovro Prešiček ter Natalia Forbidden.

Jaka Zorman//Veseljak

Blaž Švab, Jasna Kuljaj, Nika Svetlin and Jaka Šinkovec

Source: svet24.si