Ji Jin-hee “I quit drinking until the 5th round”… ‘This’ changed after quitting drinking

(Celebrity Health) Actor Ji Jin-hee’s self-care method

Ji Jin-hee “I quit drinking until the 5th round”… ‘This’ changed after quitting drinking
Actor Ji Jin-hee revealed the self-management method he has been practicing for 6 years. He, who is active in various genres, confessed that he quit drinking in the hopes of continuing to do the melodrama genre even when he is in his 60s. (Photo = Leegle Entertainment)

Actor Ji Jin-hee revealed the self-management method he has been practicing for 6 years.

Recently, Ji Jin-hee said in an interview for the final episode of the drama ‘Family X Melo’, “There is something I’ve always been taking care of,” and “I quit drinking six years ago.” He, who has been active in various genres, confessed that he has been consistently taking care of himself in the hopes of continuing to do the melodrama genre even when he is in his 60s.

He said, “I try my best to be ready right away when a project comes in,” and “In the past, drinking up to five times a day was routine, but I thought that if I quit drinking, I would be able to take on more roles.”

He continued, “I was drunk the day before, but I quit drinking the next day and didn’t drink anything for a year,” and explained, “Even when I went to drinking parties like company dinners, I didn’t drink alcohol and only drank 3L of water. Quitting drinking made me feel clearer and better.”

What happens to your body when you quit drinking?… Improved liver health, weight loss, etc.

If you quit drinking like Ji Jin-hee, your body will experience various beneficial changes. First, your liver health will improve. Alcohol is detoxified in the liver, so if you drink alcohol frequently, your liver health will easily deteriorate. Fat and inflammation will increase, and liver function will increase, increasing the risk of liver disease. If you stop drinking alcohol, if the degree is not severe, your liver will return to its original state. In fact, there are research results showing that if you abstain from drinking for 30 days, your fatty liver function will decrease by about 15%.

Reducing alcohol consumption has the effect of reducing weight. Alcohol is high in calories while lacking in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. According to the Korean Nutrition Society, 1 glass of soju (50 ml) contains 71 kcal, 1 glass of draft beer (475 ml) contains 176 kcal, 1 glass of vodka (50 ml) contains 120 kcal, and 1 glass of makgeolli (200 ml) contains 92 kcal. Assuming you drink a bottle of soju (360 ml), you consume about 500 kcal. If you eat snacks with alcohol, fat accumulation in the body will be even faster, and you will inevitably gain weight.

Cognitive abilities such as memory can also be improved and depression can be alleviated.

As Ji Jin-hee mentioned, you may also feel your mind clearing up. Alcohol affects brain functions such as memory and cognitive ability. Long-term excessive drinking accelerates the destruction of brain cells, which reduces the size of the brain and reduces brain function. As a result, it has a negative effect on learning, memory, emotions, sleep, body temperature control, and motor skills.

Stopping alcohol consumption also helps alleviate depression. If you continue to drink excessively or binge for a long time, alcohol disrupts the serotonin secretion system, which is a happy hormone, and causes or worsens depression. The quality of sleep can also improve. When you drink alcohol, alcohol causes drowsiness and helps you fall asleep quickly, but it also suppresses various bodily activities, preventing deep sleep. The aldehyde produced when alcohol is broken down causes an awakening effect, making you feel like you didn’t sleep at all even after sleeping.

It is more effective to make a short-term plan than to just quit drinking all at once.

If you are a habitual drinker, quitting drinking can be difficult. If you decide to quit drinking all at once, the stress will increase and the success rate of quitting drinking will decrease. Set a time frame and gradually reduce the frequency of drinking, and then increase the time frame. If you start with the idea of ​​not drinking today and increase the time frame by a week or a month, you are more likely to successfully quit drinking. It is also good to have hobbies such as exercise or cultural activities instead of drinking.

If you experience physical or mental problems such as dizziness, lethargy, fatigue, anxiety, and loss of appetite after quitting drinking, it may be because you were highly dependent on alcohol. This is a withdrawal symptom that is commonly experienced by people who drink frequently and binge drink. Such people can receive help from a local addiction management support center or specialized hospital.

Source: kormedi.com