Joan Pera: “Since I was born people laugh at me. In this show I wonder why”

John Pear

The actor Joan Pera is about to complete 60 years of artistic career on the stage, and in recent times he has been celebrating with a theatrical show that reviews his career. Door by name A moment with Joan Peraand will be seen in Martorell this Saturday, September 28 at the El Progrés theater (9 p.m.), with seats available at The montage becomes an anecdote of many things that have happened to him over six decades, with a common denominator: humor, an element that fully defines him. In fact, one wonders why, throughout all these years, it has brought laughter to so many people.

Joan Pera (Mataró, 1948) is a theater actor, but he has also done a lot of television. Without going any further, he points out that “I inaugurated TV3” by being the first presenter to appear on air announcing the new channel, and has participated in many television series and films. He has also done dubbing, and is mainly known for dubbing Woody Allen in Catalan.

The actor recognizes that Martorell is a special place for him, where he has come to present several shows and where he has even acted as a crier. Now he’s back to give us this show at El Progrés, and there could be another very soon. In the following interview for Ràdio Martorell he talks about it.

Tell us about this show called ‘A moment with Joan Pera’.

I wonder why people laugh at me. Why did they laugh at me when I took communion, why did they laugh at me when I went out on stage with Paco Morán, why did they laugh at me when I went out with Joan Capri…even, why did they laugh at me when I started having children! People have always laughed at me for things that have happened to me!

Will it be a long show then?

-We could make it a lot longer, but we’ll make it short, because laughing a lot also hurts… People say: “I’m dying of laughter!” or “My stomach hurts from laughing so much!”. Fixed, once on stage with Paco Morán a lady said in the middle of a scene “stop, stop, I’m taking the piss!”.

John PearJohn Pear

So, we’re going to have a good time, right?

It will be a glorious time. I will explain everything that has happened to me throughout my life and always with a point of humor. It won’t be a laugh out loud, but things that happen to you.

Like for example?

Look, the other day a Mosso d’Esquadra stopped me and asked me for the car’s papers in case I had passed the ITV. My wife was laughing and meanwhile I was thinking “shut up, what if they still give us a fine!”. There are a lot of things that make me laugh. Life would be very hard if we didn’t have this escape point of laughter and smiles. But I have to say that there is a problem on stage: that I also lose my laugh when I see the people who are laughing and I have to tell them that if they don’t stop, I can’t continue!

You always made me laugh. Does that mean your life is and has been funny?

No, not at all! my life is hard like everyone else’s. Everything happens to us: if it’s not because of the mortgage, it’s because you can’t get there or because of an illness or because of the loss of a person who leaves. I am a person very similar to everyone else, but I have discovered that everything can have a point of humor and even everything can have a point of smile.

So, do you think laughing and smiling are very important?

If people smiled, there would be no wars, because we would dismantle the enemy. And this smile is so important in life that I have become somewhat of an apostle of laughter. I have to say that I like smiling more than laughing, because in the theater people laugh and make noise and I can’t perform!

With ‘Una estona amb Joan Pera’ do you come with a ready-made script or does it come out on the fly?

I have what they call a rough ladder. Now in the theaters there is a custom at the box office to say that “this show lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes, or 1 hour and 40 minutes”… in this one, they say that it will last more or less… whatever!

What will be in the show is a collection of stories and anecdotes from these almost 60 years on stage, right?

I never look back, now what I think about is that I will come here on September 28. But if I look back, I can remember that I made my debut at the age of 16 in the theater, and that I even had to go and get my license at home because they didn’t want to give me the role because you couldn’t work under 16, and I already had them!

He said that Martorell is, for you, an important place.

– Martorell is an important place in my life. I have come here many times to perform with Paco and I have brought important premieres there. And I even made a proclamation! You have always welcomed me very well.

Therefore, you must know El Progrés well?

– Yes! You have a theater that is magnificent, splendid, a pride of Catalonia. I will come there with great excitement.

Encourage the staff to come to see the show on Saturday!

I guess the people of Martorell haven’t lost their smile. Don’t miss it and take advantage, because smiling is very expensive and what we’ll do on Saturday is almost free! Think that you will be in front of an “international” person, since I inaugurated TV3, I’m going out to America with Woody Allen… and you’ll see all this for four bucks! Take advantage of it!

And is it possible that we will soon see him performing here again?

– I think so! Possibly after the Christmas holidays. The reason is that I will now be doing a function at the Goya called ‘A father-in-law for rent’ and I also hope to come to Martorell soon.

But first, theater for the Rose!

– Well, yes, and I wish you a very good Rosary, and that of “Holy Virgin of the Rosary, make sure that there is neither too little nor too much in Martorell, only the right amount to live well”.

Listen to the interview with Joan Pera
