Jony Ive and Open AI collaborate on AI-enabled device

There have been several attempts and while we can’t write them off completely, they’re not a huge success. Yet another company is coming along that wants to create a device with AI that will replace the smartphone. This time, it’s two industry giants.

This concerns Jony Ive and Sam Altman. The former has earned his spurs at Apple. Under Steve Jobs, he was responsible for the design of the iPhone, iPad and other important products. Sam Altman is the man behind Open AI, the company that turned the artificial intelligence market upside down with the introduction of ChatGPT.

Will they succeed?

In an interview, Jony Ivy confirmed that he is working on a device that runs entirely on AI. Earlier, there were rumors that both men were developing a device that will not look like a smartphone.

As the market has opened up, we’ve seen quite a few attempts to create a piece of hardware with AI. Many small startups have created pendants that, for example, record and transcribe every interaction with a person.

This lady wears a clip with AI, never heard from again

There are also companies with greater ambitions. For example, Humane wants to make the smartphone redundant with its AI Pin. The Rabbit R1 wants to do the same (in the long term), but packages it in a slightly cheaper device. If you have followed the news a little, you know that neither device has been a success so far.

Jony Ive and Sam Altman have the advantage of being known in the industry and having earned their stripes. With this ‘legacy’ it will be easier to get money from investors. It is expected that this couple should be able to raise a billion in venture capital.

The Bedtime Profile is “a product that uses AI to create a computing experience that is less socially disruptive than the iPhone.” That more or less confirms that I’m working on a device with the same functions as a smartphone but with a different form factor.

To develop something like that, a lot of money is important, but coming up with a good product is even more important. We are in love with our smartphone, we trust it and we need it all day long. You have to come up with a really good idea before you can replace something like that with another device.

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