Jorge breaks down in tears when he meets Violeta again

Jorge y Javier They made a visit to the official home of ‘Big Brotherwhich they will enter next Thursday, more specifically the confessional, where they were going to meet Violetwho will be his confidant when they arrive.

Violeta waited in the confessional without knowing that she was going to meet Jorge, whom she met at the show’s casting and with whom she had a special connection, but she least expected to see him who is not going through his best moment.

After Jorge hugged her and showed how happy they were to see each other again, this I couldn’t help the tears when telling him that he had a very bad time in the secret house: “I had a problem because of things they said about you, they made my life impossible. I said that something nice happened between you and me, but that we had nothing and they thought I was a fake. You are my weak point here because I have grown very fond of you and I have had a bad time.”

“But what’s going on? Don’t cry, I see you’re bad, huh? Violeta reacted completely surprised to see Jorge like that in their reunion, who was going to find out the reason for their meeting in the confessional.

“You’re going to have to help Jorge and Javier because they’re the next ones to enter the house, you’ll be their accomplice and you’ll have to help their classmates believe them,” Ion Aramendi explained to Violeta, who found out that they were going to enter saying that they were brothers and Javi would pretend to be Argentine.

After this, Violeta hugged him and He assured that he “wanted to see him.” “I wanted to talk and we have to talk when the time comes,” Jorge told him.

The moment when Javier entered the confessional, whom Violeta hugged, happy to see again, and Jorge asked him to clarify what had happened in the secret house in her absence.
