Juan Carlso I: this is how his blackmail and the payment of the Secret Services was created

A few months ago, Angel Christ uncovered in ‘Friday!’ how the blackmail on the part of Barbara Rey towards him king emeritus through some intimate photographs in which both appeared very lovey-dovey and that the star’s own son would have taken when he was a teenager (according to his version). Now that those images have come to lightthe program details in detail how this “real blackmail” would have occurred and, to do so, it has a key testimony in this matter.

The program presented by Santi Acosta and Beatriz Archidona make a chronology accurate, detailed, with testimonies and witnesseshow this alleged blackmail of the king is prepared, who executes it, how it is executed, who helps, who was aware, how the blackmails are negotiated and what happened next. We have the testimony of the person who knows everything in detail and Ángel Cristo react to his revealing words. Will it agree with your version or contradict it?

This was Ángel Cristo’s version of blackmailing the king

On the set of the program there are people who know this whole story firsthand: the journalist Javier Chicote, the actress Jenny Llada, Ángel Moreno, creator of ‘Tómbola’ and photographer Hugo Arriazu. Each of them provides some information that they handle, but it is Chicote who gives details of a first blackmail payment (because there were several) that occurred on the Fourth of July in 1994. Specifically, on a Monday, at seven in the afternoon.

“King Juan Carlos is in Operetta with the head of the house, with Almansa, calls the director of the secret services and he tells him ‘Emilio, I have a problem. I went to lunch with Bárbara Rey and I had a gesture with her, I touched her breast and a guy called who says he is a Civil Guard and says he has some slides. You have to solve it. If payments have to be made, prepare it,” says Chicote. After this, “some talks who reach an agreement. The photos are delivered and a first payment of 25 million pesetas is made.”

But there was more paid. Specifically, two more. “After the photographs, they find out that there are videos. So, what they say in the year 97 is that there are three videos and they are concerned about what is being said because they hear themselves well. It is specified that there are two in the bed and one in the living room. Those are the videos for which an agreement is reached 600 million pesetas in an initial payment of 100 million, year 97, and then 50 million pesetas a year in monthly payments for ten years to stop the distribution of those images.

Source: www.telecinco.es