Kale is cold hardy – grow it, people!

Kale is an extremely healthy vegetable from the cabbage family, but it is very neglected in these areas, although it tolerates the cold very well and can remain outdoors until late autumn or early winter. It is rarely cultivated in the gardens of Šumadija and Pomeranian Voivodeship, and mass production is almost non-existent. It appears sporadically in the markets, but it is not a common sight like, for example, cabbage. There are several types of kale, the most common of which are head kale, curly-leaf kale, and leafy kale. All these types are rich in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll, which makes them ideal for the winter menu.

Photo by Snow on Unsplash

Kale can be left in the garden before temperatures drop below freezing, but it is not certain that it will have enough sunlight to maintain vitality through the winter. Kale does not tolerate fermentation, so it is not suitable for pickling, because then the leaves become bitter, and the young leaves turn into a mushy mass. Housewives have come up with different methods for preserving kale during the winter months. Heads of kale that are harvested after the first frosts can be stored for about a month, and the dark green leaves on the outside preserve the freshness of the inner part of the fruit.

So he says “Kale”

If you want kale to stay fresh longer, it is recommended to store it in wooden boxes in a dry, dark and cool place. Heads of kale can last up to a month in the fridge. Kale leaves can be stewed, blanched, dried, or stored in the freezer. Frying the leaves should not last longer than five minutes, while blanching should not last more than ten minutes. Kale can also be dried in the oven, microwave or dehydrator, and the drying process in the oven lasts from one to two hours at a temperature of about 80 degrees. Kale chips are ready when the leaves become dark green, dry and brittle.

Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

Blanching is one of the best ways to preserve the freshness of kale, as well as its vitamins and minerals. After a short blanching in boiling water, the leaves are transferred to cold water, and then carefully dried and packed. Kale leaves prepared in this way can be used for soups or stews. At the same time, they also remain tasty and fresh in the freezer for up to a year. Kale can be used in different ways, but it still remains underrepresented in the diet, despite its many health benefits.

Source: Good morning

Source: boljazemlja.com