Karmic forecast for October: balance, emotions and karma

Aleksandra Winkler Drole, www.omgarden.si

8. 10. 2024, 16.20

The tenth month of the year, October, also bears the names vinotok, October and Kozoprsk. But no matter how we discuss the old names of this month, we always get the energy of transformation.

Saint Martin makes wine from grapes’ … (transformation), fallen leaves turn into soil (transformation) and goats (goat mating) provide offspring (transformation).

But what is it that we want to transform?

This year’s October is about emotions – water karma and creating harmony through something that needs to be let go, with the intention of something new and better coming into that place.

Let’s shine a light on our weak points

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, says folk wisdom, and this is especially true for the coming six months, when the karmic testing will be precisely what we don’t like, what we don’t want to see, what we avoid, what we put off . And yet the longing of the soul always brings us back to face this hidden work of ours.
• What is our weakest point?
• What do we want so much and do not gather the courage to take the first step?
• What do we mean by the term harmony?
• What should be done for more harmony in your life?
• What is toxic in your relationships?
• Are you a good friend to yourself?

Illuminating relationships

The relationship with others begins with the relationship with oneself.

According to the law of attraction, we attract into our lives exactly the kind of people we need to resolve our unconscious emotional patterns, programs and beliefs.

We attract a partner, friends, colleagues, boss, spiritual leader. We always find what we wanted to find on the soul level. But can we still be disappointed? Yes, and very often. We are most often disappointed by people who do not respect us. The reason: we learn to respect ourselves. Deceit, lies and deception in an emotional relationship, in a marital relationship, can be solved by being honest with yourself. It’s the same with violence, be it passive aggression or even physical violence. Let’s be good to ourselves, because others are just a manifestation of who we really are.

Everything good comes back to us in a certain cycle

Autumn is the time of harvesting the fruits of the annual cycle. Now we see how well we set our goals. We are the gardeners of our own lives.
The year 2024 is the result of the years 2015 and 2006. The nine-year karmic cycle gives us a new opportunity to complete, upgrade or repair what was left unfinished, unfulfilled 9 or 18 years ago.

This life is the result of karma (action) from the previous incarnation. We created good and bad karma. The most severe kind of karma is that which enslaves the masses and causes mass suffering as a result (rulers, royal families).

What I predicted is happening – karma in 2024


Aleksandra Winkler Drole: “The message of the month of October is: let’s keep the good and get rid of the bad.”

Earthquakes and floods in the EU and in the world. Near my home, the Soča river rises to the road. The floods were even worse in Italy and other nearby EU countries, while this year the ground shook the most in Ukraine and Russia (an incredible miracle, huh!?), in Slovenia there was nothing worse, only a slight earthquake a few days ago in Hrastnik, a few there was a small earthquake in Ilirska Bistrica, but without serious consequences.

A volcano was erupting in the south of Italy that the airports were closed; this has never happened before, I have already described this in the media in the forecast for the year 2024. (You can check it on my YouTube channel).

The year 2024 is in the sign of karma – water, which represents emotions (equivalent to water planets in astrology, such as Pisces – Neptune, Scorpio – Pluto and Cancer – Moon).

The year 2024 carries ancestral energy for the purpose of resolving ancestral karma, which represents a gift or a debt that we inherited from our ancestors, be it physical genetics (intellect, body, tendencies) or adopted habits and customs (bad and good).

Creating balance

We create balance by keeping the good and letting go of the bad. Let’s keep the good and get rid of the bad. It is important that we love our home – Cancer and swim with the flow of life – Pisces, and that we love passionately and are real detectives, as we can do under the influence of Pluto or Scorpio.

We live in a world of duality, so everything has two sides. Let’s avoid negative – non-functional parts.
– No resentment, anger and rage and desire for revenge, as is characteristic of Pluto’s (Scorpio) negative aspect influence.
– Let’s love our home and homeland (cancer), let’s not be dependent and dependent on domestic members or social welfare.
– Let’s be spiritual according to the common sense of fish, but not drunk and intoxicated by illusions or wrong ideas, as can be expressed on the negative aspect under the influence of Neptune (very spiritual or very lost).

Source: svet24.si