A few days ago we could notice that the cadastre does not work, while over time we learn that it is due to a hacker attack. They are from abroad and are asking for a hefty ransom to get him again put into operation, and at the same time to delete all stolen data from the database.
We can’t yet say for sure how big this data breach is, but it will definitely affect us all. According to the information of the portal Alive it appears that data backup was very poor, in some cases non-existent. The backups are said to be in a state that does not allow for quick data recovery, and therefore we may be talking about an interval of up to several months, during which gets the portal up and running.
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The data can only be encrypted directly on the state website, or the hackers themselves have downloaded it from the website, which would be the worst case. But all this mainly means that in the coming days, weeks and maybe even months, we will not be able to submit proposals for deposit in the cadastre, which will significantly complicate the situation with housing in Slovakia.
The impact can be huge
So it mainly depends on the top representatives of the state, whether they decide to fight with the hackers or keep their ears down and pay the amount. But it is questionable whether hackers would really decrypt the data after payment and would not want it from the state more money or even important data they kept for themselves and did not try again in the future. In general, however, it is recommended not to pay in such cases.
We will see how long this situation will last, but for now it does not look good for us citizens. This could be the biggest and most pointless data breach in years, which must open the country’s eyes on security. Nothing like this should happen in a developed country. It seems that the authorities have neglected the protection of the website and the database. It is therefore necessary to invest significantly more money in the protection of such important systems.
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Source: www.mojandroid.sk