KB Kookmin Bank expands support for ‘entrepreneurial small business development agreement guarantee’ < Economy/Finance < Text of article

KB Kookmin Bank (CEO Lee Hwan-joo) announced that it will expand support for the ‘entrepreneurial small business development agreement guarantee’ to help foster small business owners and self-employed people with high growth potential and revitalize the local economy.

The ‘Entrepreneurial Small Business Support Agreement and Guarantee’ is an agreement guarantee to foster entrepreneurial small business owners who create new added value in the lifestyle and culture field and on a regional basis. It was raised to the tune of 100 billion won through KB Kookmin Bank’s sole contribution in February last year, and can be issued by 17 regional credit guarantee foundations across the country.

KB Kookmin Bank increased the guarantee limit per company from the existing maximum of 200 million won to 400 million won. In addition, the screening criteria were relaxed so that more small business owners can receive agreement guarantee support, and a new basic limit of 50 million won (30 million won for prospective entrepreneurs) was established.

Targets of support are certified entrepreneurial small business enterprises selected by the Ministry of SMEs and Startups’ ▲New Business Startup Academy ▲Strong Small Business Growth Support Project ▲Local Creator Development Project ▲Small Business Complex Loan Project. Companies that support the agreement guarantee can also receive preferential bank loan interest rates of 2%p per year.

Meanwhile, KB Financial Group is carrying out various small business support activities to continue a warm partnership where everyone can grow together. In order to systematically support small business owners, the Small Business Research Center was established at the KB Management Research Institute last October.

Source: www.nextdaily.co.kr