Keynote presentation of the original iPhone. This was one of the most remembered Apple events

The original iPhone keynote was in January 2007, but it is always worth reviewing every hidden detail of the event

We review all the details of the original iPhone keynote

Apple keynotes are one of the most followed technological events of the yearnot only by fans of the apple company. Steve Jobs knew that there had to be magic in these types of events and they prepared thoroughly. One of Apple’s most important and remembered keynotes is the presentation of the original iPhone.

for being one of the most iconicwe are going to remember what it was like, when it was held and everything that Apple revealed during that event. On many occasions there are other announcements that are overshadowed by the main launch, although there were not many in this case, there are surely Details of the original iPhone keynote that you didn’t know.

Keynote del iPhone original

We are before one of the most important keynotes in Apple history. The iPhone has not only become the company’s most iconic product and the one that has reached the most people, it has also been the company’s main economic support for many years.

  • special event: Macworld Conference & Expo.
  • Celebration date: January 9, 2007.
  • Event location: Moscone Center in San Francisco, California.
  • Featured product: iPhone.
  • Presenter: Steve Jobs.

This is a day I’ve been waiting for two and a half years. Every now and then a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything, and you can consider yourself very lucky if you can work on just one of these products in your career.

Apple has been very fortunate because it has been able to introduce some of these devices to the world. In 1984 we introduced the Macintosh, which not only changed Apple but changed the entire computer industry, and in 2001 we introduced the first iPod, which not only changed the way we all listen to music, but transformed the entire music industry.

Well, today we present three revolutionary products of this class. The first is an iPod with a large screen and touch controls. The second is a revolutionary mobile phone and the third is an innovative device for communicating over the Internet. So it’s three things: a big-screen iPod with touch controls, a revolutionary mobile phone, and an innovative Internet communications device.

An iPod, a phone and an Internet communicator. An iPod, a phone… these are not three separate devices, this is a single device and we have called it iPhone. Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone.

He start of the presentation of the iPhone by Steve Jobs could not be better. Quick and to the point, in just 3 minutes he told you that Apple has already revolutionized the world before and that it is not afraid to continue doing so. Even if it is by entering a new market and sweeping away a completely new device and concept.

Curiosities of the original iPhone keynote

We are talking about the Apple’s most iconic presentation and, probably, one of the most viewed during these years. Whether you’ve seen it or not, there are surely details you didn’t know.

The iPhone was not the first thing talked about at that event

Although in your mind this keynote begins with Steve Jobs talking about the iPhone, the truth is that it was not like that. In fact, It was 26 minutes into the presentation before Steve started talking about the iPhone.. During those minutes, Jobs talked about many things.

From the transition to Intel chips that made Macs a few months ago, including an “I am a Mac, I am a PC” ad, until talk about iPodwhich was not only the most popular music player in the world, but also the most popular video player.

He also had some words for him Zune de Microsoftthe rival to the iPod that had been presented in September of the previous year. Incredible that Microsoft took so long to release a rival to the iPod and that, as soon as it was presented, Apple showed the iPhone. Steve boasted that the iPod had a 62% market share, while the Zune barely accounted for 2% of sales.

A demonstration that miraculously turned out well

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone in January 2007, the device was still in development phasealthough we know that since 2005 Apple was working on the iPhone. This means that they still had a lot of problems and that the software was a beta version, or perhaps an alpha version. Let us remember that it did not go on the market until June 29 of that year.

Steve Jobs at the presentation of the iPhone

The presentation of the original iPhone was quite a challenge

During rehearsals there were many errors that were not noticed during the event, and that is something that was achieved with a little trick. The first thing, Steve Jobs had 3 different iPhones on the lectern connected to the screen and each one of them was used for something specific. Since, if only one was used, when switching from one app to another, it was very likely that the iPhone would crash.

Furthermore, there was actions that had to be executed in the correct order for them to work. For example, you could send an email and then browse the Internet, but if you did it the other way around, the iPhone would crash. There was even an AT&T mobile antenna so as not to lose coverage. Therefore, everything was rehearsed in the correct order so that nothing failed. And, of course, that’s what it looked like from the outside.

The first iPhone call

During the presentation, Steve Jobs made the first prank call in history with an iPhone. He searched Google Maps on his iPhone for a Starbucks and called the nearest one to order 4,000 coffees for those present. Although this may seem common today, at the time it was very surprising, especially because of the simple way it was done.

The famous 9:41

Whenever you see a promotional image of an iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch, you’ll see that the time always reads 9:41. And this is not something coincidental, far from it. Apple’s presentations are studied down to the smallest detail and programmed so that after approximately 40 minutes the main news is revealed. However, with the original iPhone it was somewhat different.

Image of iPhone 16 Pro

The design of the iPhone was shown for the first time at the presentation when we were 32 minutes into the event. But this event didn’t start at 9:00. Right in the When Steve Jobs announced that Apple was going to launch an iPhone, it was approximately 9:41 a.m. We can know this because, when he first unlocks the iPhone in public, it is 9:55, about 14 minutes having passed since Steve revealed the name of the iPhone. A historical moment that Apple maintains in each promotional image.

Google was present at the iPhone keynote

Google has become the iPhone’s main rival with Android, but The CEO of the company at that time was present at the iPhone keynote and took the stage. Eric Schmidt even joked about the possibility of uniting both companies, Apple and Google. There was a very good relationship between both CEOs, but the launch of Android was considered a betrayal by Steve Jobs.

The Apple that we all know

There is no doubt that the launch of the iPod and iPhone made Apple increasingly more of a technology company and less of a computer company. For this reason, before ending this event, Steve Jobs announced that Apple Computer, Inc. would henceforth be known as Apple Inc.which is how it still is now.

It is the Apple keynote that I have seen the most, even though I was not able to see it live. It is a day that changed the history of technology and that has taken us to the current moment, in which a smartphone has become the center of technological life from practically everyone.

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