Korean Medical Association President: “Government is destroying doctors… All arrested residents are victims”

Korean Medical Association President: “Both Residents and Listed Doctors Are Victims Created by the Government”

The Korean Medical Association in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the 20th. The Korean Medical Association announced that it will launch the ‘Special Committee for Proper Medical Care (Special Committee for Proper Medical Care)’ instead of the ‘Pan-Medical Countermeasures Committee (Pan-Countermeasures Committee)’ that was announced to be launched on this day. Photo = Reporter Kim Hyun-min kimhyun81@

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Regarding the arrest of Dr. Jeong Mo, a resident who wrote and published a list of doctors who did not participate in the medical community’s collective action, Lim Hyeon-taek, the president of the Korean Medical Association (KMA), criticized the government, saying, “I cannot help but feel devastated and sad.”

Mr. Jeong was arrested on charges of creating a list titled “Grateful Doctors” containing the personal information of doctors who did not participate in the group action of residents against the government’s policy of increasing the number of medical schools in July, and posting it several times on Telegram and Medistaf, a community for doctors and medical students.

After meeting with Jeong on the 21st, Chairman Lim met with reporters and claimed, “All the residents who were arrested and those who were harmed by being on the list are victims created by the government.”

Chairman Lim also asked, “Are the people who should be in the detention center today really the residents who were at the scene where patients were dying without time to take care of themselves, or the traitors who whispered in the president’s ear, ‘If we demonize doctors and increase the number of medical school students, we can win the election and become a symbol of reform that will be remembered in history,’ and the civil servants who soullessly moved in unison according to those orders, causing citizens to die on the streets?”

He also added, “The government is completely dividing doctors,” and “I hope this situation will end as soon as possible so that both doctors and the public can live without worry, and a world where doctors can only worry about saving the lives of the public will come as soon as possible.”

Reporter Gu Chae-eun faktum@asiae.co.kr

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Source: www.asiae.co.kr